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  1. tracker 6

    Savage Impulse

    And it's off the website!!
  2. tracker 6

    Doggone good dog thread

    FDA issues pet food alert after 28 dogs are reported dead from toxin (msn.com)
  3. tracker 6

    Ballsiest Move of 2020....

    If I drag some brush around to make a blind and someone crawls in it , that's fine by me .But if someone climbs in a stand that I bought and paid for I'm gonna be pissed .That's my property . disclaimer , I don't use tree stands, too old.
  4. tracker 6

    Nothing about Nothing

    True that !!!!
  5. tracker 6

    Second Rut????

    Maybe , I've found freshly hit scrapes into The first week of turkey season . So who knows .
  6. tracker 6

    Jackalope 760 trigger group

    This guy may tell you which one for a chance at a future trigger job .
  7. tracker 6

    Best turkey load for 20 gauge

    SumToy Customs - Home
  8. tracker 6

    Jackalope 760 trigger group

    Remington 760 7600 750 7400 870 1100 Trigger Job | eBay @Jackalope Might be worth checking out
  9. tracker 6

    Best turkey load for 20 gauge

    + 1 on The Pinhoti Project . No blinds, No decoys No bullshit .
  10. tracker 6

    Remington 760. Stole it!

    There is no Remington to send it to . All gone
  11. tracker 6

    College Football Thread

    Trying to showcase a qb, bout cost a win.
  12. tracker 6

    Looking to buy coyotes

    TD pussy ass Baker keep trashing em man it's working
  13. tracker 6

    Looking to buy coyotes

    Hey, i'm trying to watch the Browns and be pissed and you guys ain't helping. lol
  14. tracker 6

    Looking to buy coyotes

    Giles ,you and I have never met and I don't want to start shit with ya , But wtf did you and Kenny talk about on the phone ?
  15. tracker 6

    What's For Dinner?

    Now by damn that looks good !!!
  16. tracker 6

    Looking to buy coyotes

    You just keep Clay Mathews name out yo mouth .
  17. tracker 6

    Looking to buy coyotes

    Off Topic , but why are coyote threads always the most fun ???