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  1. nathan.luthman

    Live from the stand!

    Absolutely perfect morning out... no wind to speak of... had 1 slip through just before legal light...
  2. nathan.luthman

    Live from the stand!

    Got in about 15 minutes ago (had to help my grandpa) in the area i saw the 8 point cross the fence this morning. Hope he comes back so i can get a better look at him.
  3. nathan.luthman

    Live from the stand!

    Windy this morning. Wasnt much moving except a young 8 point that came in.... was hoping his dad would show up but he didnt ha.
  4. nathan.luthman

    What's good TOO?

    Took the next two days off of work and going to set my ass in a tree stand...
  5. nathan.luthman

    Help with farm i hunt

  6. nathan.luthman

    Live from the stand!

    Been out since bout 7. Absolutely beautiful out here this morning and the best part is it finally feels like deer season.... im set up on the side of a small hill with bedding area behind me. No real expectations but a guy never knows...
  7. nathan.luthman

    Help with farm i hunt

    Did a little scouting today in the rain and stumbled across a pretty good section. Was wondering if you guys would hunt any ways im not thinking about. First I found this rub so i looked around a bit more and found a couple more in the same area. Here is a map of what i found. The orange are 4...
  8. nathan.luthman

    The View: TOO Style...

    Just got in. Rain is supposed to end in hqlf hour or so. They just started the corn field this morning. First doe i see is getting an arrow.
  9. nathan.luthman

    Live from the stand!

    Out behind dads house tonight over a fresh cut corn field...
  10. nathan.luthman

    Nothing about Nothing

    Just threw up in my mouth....
  11. nathan.luthman

    The View: TOO Style...

    Veiw too my left View too my right with a cornfield directly behind me...
  12. nathan.luthman

    Live from the stand!

    Just got into a stand. After the last two days of work i dont care if i see anything tonight just looking to relax a bit. If i see any tonight i wony complain tho.
  13. nathan.luthman

    Looking for a shotgun

    Look for a local gunshow. I picked up two 870s last weekend for a fair price.
  14. nathan.luthman

    When a doe busts you in stand

    I shoot them if possible. I think they are still a trophy in thier own right.
  15. nathan.luthman

    Live from the stand!

    Saw nothing in the stand. On the way out i had 2 yotes follow me until i opened the door of my truck... kinda a creepy ass feeling
  16. nathan.luthman

    Black Tail deer

    I'm going to guess its shit... we have had calves look about the same as that...
  17. nathan.luthman

    As my wife says...Gun Porn!

    This is the tri state gun collectors show at the Allen county fairgrounds.
  18. nathan.luthman

    Things i do when im bored

    Today my grandpa asked my if i could paint for him. Before i committed i asked him what it was. He came back to the kitchen with fuve little figurines. He said that they are lead and that at one point in time they were all painted. So i took them home and got to work i didnt take any before...
  19. nathan.luthman

    As my wife says...Gun Porn!

    Im a huge 870 fan I've tried several different brands even a couple 1100 and 11-87 but there is just something that keeps pulling me back to them.