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  1. R

    Shooting the Bull

    Wooohooooooo funny!
  2. R

    Username/Password login?

    Mine did that once, but then it went away.
  3. R

    Mornin' geezer!

    Haven't been outside yet, but it looks icy. This is the second time this has happened this year, I do love getting on facebook in the morning and seeing every girl that goes to GCC posting "Why are we having a fire alarm at 6:30 am?" hahahahahahahaa
  4. R

    White Gold falling from the skies

    Yea, take some pictures for us Phil! Nothing but ice out here so far!
  5. R

    Steve and the preacher

  6. R

    WTB Suggestions on a Central Ohio Mechanic

    Where are you? We take all our stuff to a guy in Fredericktown...
  7. R

    Mornin' geezer!

    I want to put this on my facebook or twitter, but there's too many pussys that would get pissed, but this is how I feel dealing with all these fucktards after a shitty night's sleep. "It takes a village, but why do I have to work with all the village idiots?"
  8. R

    Mornin' geezer!

    Looks like ice, no email telling me that the Dean/my prof cancelled his class lol...he is 70 and drives a mini cooper with an American flag on the roof....
  9. R

    White Gold falling from the skies

    Stay safe Phil! Someday I am going to have to push one of these big events, even just as a ride along. Hell, I will even shovel if I have TOO
  10. R

    Mornin' geezer!

    Do you think its really going to be that bad Riverdude? Hard to say what we are going to get up here...snow and mix prolly. PS - I read today that Washington County is being renamed "Black and Gold" county....
  11. R

    TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition

    Got a good lift in, but feel like shit. What gives?
  12. R

    official team uglykat logo contest

    Here's my submission. Room for team member names or sponsors. Lol if I get picked I will even change it to a K instead of a C
  13. R

    Whats ur favorite word?

    Favorite word: precedence. Runner up: Shit
  14. R

    Findlay anyone?

    There's a college....and there's some clubs that all the Heidleburg girls go TOO!
  15. R

    What is it?

    Holy Hell Cotty, hate to do this to ya, but:
  16. R

    Why did Morning Geezer thread get locked?

    Hahahahaha oh I'm surprised that half of the forum didn't change their status to "Unlock the Morning Geezer Thread" already. FREE RIVERDUDE!
  17. R

    Whacked them Saturday!

    Damn! Sounds like a lot of tracking. That's sweet man, you really do whack 'em
  18. R

    S&W Bodyguard 380

    Just saw that Ruger has a new compact 9mm coming out, slightly larger than the LCP. Another option in this category.
  19. R

    Mornin' geezer!

    Brrrrrrrrrr cold Monday morning! Dang, I didn't do a whole lot this weekend. Oh wait... :smiley_cleaning::smiley_beer::banana::smiley_beard::smiley_adfundum::smiley_computerfigh:smiley_cheers: Guess it wasn't TOO bad!
  20. R

    Finally got into them good!

    Sweet! That workbench you've got turned out quite nicely TOO!