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  1. R

    BCS National Championship

    Cam Newton...
  2. R

    We're TOO Good: 2010-2011 Kill Thread

    Whenever this gets updated, we got some muzzleloader does and coyotes to tally up!
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    Captain Ernest

    She didn't say "I'm Jesse's sister, you must be Steve!" hahahahahaha
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    Mornin' geezer!

    Dang I just love sleep in. Gonna eat and get half bundled up and take a walk with da muzzleloader...then sit for the evening
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    Doe Down

    nice! Good amount of snow up there TOO
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    Doe Down

    Congrats! Can't wait to see the pictures!
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    BBD - Jan 8

    Well, here's how it went down. Friday night I bowhunted in the area that's known as Paradise in a hang-on that Jesse had put up for me earlier that afternoon. At about 4, three doe came down the hill in front of me and worked their way across in front of me to the feeder. Two more showed up...
  8. R

    Just spent $1190

    TOO Funny! That is awesome and certainly a dream hunt for me, probably #2 right after moose...
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    BBD - Jan 8

    I'll write up the story later tonight but I wanted to post up another picture or two.
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    Great moments in Cheetos

    Just for you buddy!
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    Captain Ernest

    I'll put 'em dont worry. Bigger needs first lol :)
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    Captain Ernest

    Tucky - Friday night saw 7 with the bow, yesterday morning just the one I shot, and last night at the farm another one (spike). I'm up...and well rested!
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    Captain Ernest

    All in good time TF, we gotz one taken and coming your way! BUTTON BUCK DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEW! It was a quick, good morning. We'll see what the afternoon brings.
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    Captain Ernest

    And that is for my damn gun!
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    Captain Ernest

    Oh the bullshit flies... Total report would be 7 deer, two of the biggest doe I've ever seen, and three feet away from the shooting lane. Thought I was going to get a shot but got outsmarted by a tough old bitch...it happens. We'll see what the morning brings. It will be different with...
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    Need me some luck tomorrow

    Wishin you luck buddy, I'll be praying
  17. R

    F350 for Dannman!

    Which Powerstroker is that? We have strokers in our work trucks (350, 450, 550) and they do great.
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    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin fellars Headed to the Dentist, then down to Washington County today to Sandridge Outfitters. Dang I am pumped!
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    Captain Ernest

    I love you Greg. Is she good?
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