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  1. G

    FOR SALE Bitzenberger Dial-O-Fletch

    I think COB - hooked up wif TRAD FOOL :smiley_dancing:
  2. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin ya all - wud up :smiley_breakdance:
  3. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin Dude and ya all
  4. G


    Here a status up date fo ya - ppppppppppppppppppppppppppFT :smiley_cigar:
  5. G

    Quiver Question

    Lady across da street makes muh quiver - :smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance:
  6. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin J and ya all
  7. G

    FOR SALE Oneide Black Eagle

    I think him gotz two of dem bowz - dang -:smiley_cigar:
  8. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin ya all dang :smiley_cigar:
  9. G

    FOR SALE Oneide Black Eagle

    COB must a gotz a new gfriend - him sell'n all hiz stuff - dang cob :smiley_chinrub:
  10. G

    Mornin' geezer!

  11. G

    Swan hunting, with a bow!

    winged liver
  12. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin ya all
  13. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Well ya duct tape da flash light ta the barrel of da gun - dang :smiley_attention:
  14. G

    Nothing about Nothing

  15. G

    what do you do?

    I putz the light on and shoot uhm - dang
  16. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin Milo - dang good see'n ya yday - dang :smiley_cigar:
  17. G

    Gotz to spammers on here...

    suck up :smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::
  18. G

    FOR SALE Mossberg Tactical 12 Ga. Grand Slam Turkey Shotgun

    Yeah - ya can use it as a paddle - ta getz up shit creek - jus sayin :smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance: btw - cob must a been attacked buh sum turkeys so he haz a tactical stock on him turk gun - wtf
  19. G

    FOR SALE Mossberg Tactical 12 Ga. Grand Slam Turkey Shotgun

    :smiley_cigar: I know - i wuz gonna buy it and burry it ta put it out of itzx missery
  20. G

    FOR SALE Mossberg Tactical 12 Ga. Grand Slam Turkey Shotgun

    Iz der a golden BuckEye discount? :smiley_carnaval: