caryshoopy and zotgeroge
(Making this post so I can notify 'lope.)
46 Banned so far.
Armontiricksyks Jackalope
ArnoldVegas RedCloud
bext Rooke RedCloud
Bizguagssoato RedCloud
BrearfAtroseatora Jackalope
Breecoubsturo RedCloud
Bupereuxuth RedCloud
cardodosaurgy Jackalope
Caryshooppy Jackalope
ClenueMegelay RedCloud
CruroNokJok RedCloud
ElallyNeaws RedCloud
EmarmadenPart Jackalope
FarLennaprese Jackalope
fluelfimmiz Jackalope
Flulmizemia Jackalope
flvdownloada Jackalope
GaussyJat Jackalope
goodman Jackalope
gymnInvigma RedCloud
HomAvegeGreer Jackalope
LierveroMem RedCloud
loolickuboppy Jackalope
lucievfedrrikts RedCloud
Marchemopa RedCloud
Mayoftaccotte Jackalope
MeefsMefwot RedCloud
MesAmumelet Jackalope
mubsmeams RedCloud
nadyLoadams RedCloud
Nemneible RedCloud
Nenenully RedCloud
NigeMoine Jackalope
Owessiovavila RedCloud
paydaysof Jackalope
Revaneeme Jackalope
Slavicmone Jackalope
SodoPotlylymn RedCloud
Terneowed RedCloud
Tincnange Jackalope
topBodybuildert Jackalope
undetatwend RedCloud
watchmovieoncom Jackalope
wiliwacyKit RedCloud
Zexangespenda Jackalope
Zotgeroge RedCloud
Dang, I didn't know you were keeping a tally of who discovers them. This sounds like a competition. I will have to kick it in high gear now. BTW, I don't think I got credit for some
Oh dang, I didn't realize RedCloud was a mod. Well, that explains it then. I guess I better be nice to him.
Adam is a mod? Shit we can't be friends anymore!
Ok I am fine with Jesse and Joe so I guess I can be friends with you... I actually think that you are a great choice for a mod.
ok i am fine with jesse and joe so i guess i can be friends with you... I actually think that you are a great choice for a mod.
Dannman will also be along to help out soon.. We try hard to get these spammers before they can post garbage. But as the site becomes more popular on the internet the harder that becomes. It's vital to have a couple guys with coverage. We don't actually "moderate" threads on TOO. All we do is ban spam, maybe move a thread if it's in the wrong forum, and try to keep this place standing upright.
See if there is a mod for this board software that asks a simple question and requires the user to answer it in a text box. It's available for phpBB, but not sure about this board. Your spam bot problem will be eliminated.