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  1. R

    Clyde, Ohio and Cancer ?

    "A Civil Action" - Johnathan Harr, great book about the cancer cluster in Washburn, MA. Sad but true..
  2. R

    New Years Plans / Resolutions

    Bunny huntin in the morning, chasing white tail in the afternoon, hanging out with friends at night. Nothing too crazy. Resolutions...mmm...
  3. R

    New Years Plans / Resolutions

    Well, what will it be this year fellas?
  4. R

    The circle of life

    Hahahaha good one
  5. R

    what did Sam get

    Nice! So is this a shootin gun or a show gun?
  6. R

    Lord, I hope this ain't true...

    Oh goodie...TP is coming back. I would guess that means that Ohio State thinks that they will get the suspensions reduced greatly...
  7. R

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin. Its time to kill somethin
  8. R

    Hotel, motel, Hampton Inn...

    I should be sleeping - BUT - Beener- if it's a gas leak, it's only natural to call the fire dept and get documentation if they are not there in the morning. An "Oh shit I smell a gas leak in the neighbor" would get their attention that you're not messing around.
  9. R

    Hotel, motel, Hampton Inn...

    True story - Remember how the Mansfield Muni Court got blow up? The week I did my internship there they were trying to figure out where they were going to move the courts while they did renovations...the first ten minutes I was there the lady walked me through the molotov cocktail burnt...
  10. R

    Aquarium fix

    That is sweet!
  11. R

    My Son's 1st shed (2008)

    That's pretty sweet
  12. R

    WTH eats Hedgeapples

    I came home from College on a break last year and those were in the basement to keep the spiders away...and here I just thought mom and dad went crazy when I was away geeze
  13. R

    Anyone still bowhunting?

    Gettin closer.....we'll see what da morning brings
  14. R

    Phil, need help plowing snow?

    Hahahaha we were talkin about that in the chat room last night with him
  15. R

    No Charges Filed

    Thanks for following up on this one for us.
  16. R

    My Tarpon from the surf

    You out of state-er are always better than the locals, eh? Nice fish.
  17. R

    chatty chat chatster

    Nah Matt, Hicks, Uglykat, and Tuffy were in there.
  18. R

    So. Did Dannman get...

    Good stuff man! After she woke you up and you got da card....:pickle:
  19. R

    Who Do You Know & How?

    Just from OS and then the shoot this summer which netted a bunch of meets and greets. I see Redcloud, Milo, and Dante more now 'cause I'm in the middle of them.
  20. R

    Mornin' geezer!

    'Night fellars. Feels like I am talkin to myself :(