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  1. FredT

    444 Marlin for Coyotes?

    Have you shot a .444 marlin? The factory load is quite stout. Marlin no longer makes the rifle. If you really want one and can find a nice Marlin, I say go for it. Brass is always available at Cabela's and they are easy to hand load for. The 240 grain XTP make a good do anything load and you...
  2. FredT

    Barrel Clamp vs. Action Clamp?

    Most barrels are round, not all. Most actions are round, not all. Your vidios show two ways to handle a similar operation. I have an M1 barrelling tool and wrench that is made just for the M1s. Very fast to use. It will not work on round bbls and round actions. No bolts to tighten down.
  3. FredT

    Reloading at or above the Maximum?

    Another factor I have seen while loading for service rifle competition for 30 years or so is when you develop the load. If you develop a good load in the fall and you decide to shoot that load in the 94 degree July heat, what will that do to that max, near max or over max load that shot fine in...
  4. FredT

    Things are getting better.

    My daughter works at the Cabela's in Cbus. Now I have an inside person to get me stuff off of the truck. Aquilla .22 LR just came in for $45.00 + a brick. Did not want to pay that much just yet. Got 23 bricks in the basement so I can be a bit picky right now. The stuff is comming in more...
  5. FredT

    Are you a .45 shooter?

    I can't get any of the videos to start.
  6. FredT

    WTB - Bullet Casting Molds

    I have had great results with the Lee 170 RF with gas check. (2 Cavity only) I run them through the Lee .309 sizer which seats the gas check, smear some liquid alox on the driving bands, set them over nite on wax paper, load them the next day. Very economical way to make your projectiles for...
  7. FredT

    WTB - Bullet Casting Molds

    Trust me on this one, if you did not buy your mold yet, get the 6 cavity Lee. The pic shows the 175 TL for use in my .40 S&W, a Beretta 96. I will never (never say never) buy a 2 cavity mold again if I can get it in a 6 cavity.
  8. FredT

    How NOT to shoot a revolver

    After watching the video, I see he has the target paper forward of the end of the barrel. A lot of the damage to the target paper is from the muzzle blast and not the cylinder gap. I would like to see the test done with the target paper just around the cylinder gap only. I am sure that damage...
  9. FredT

    Deal: Armor plating targets...

    Very cool! I just ordered the round 10 inch with stand. Thanks for posting this.
  10. FredT

    Rifle question

    Yep, this sums it all up.
  11. FredT

    Glenfield Model 60 Project

    Where ya gonna get ammo for it?
  12. FredT

    If you think your hunting guns are safe...

    Didn't the big revolution start up that way over 200 years ago with citizens shooting round balls? Those round balls are bad things that must be banished.
  13. FredT

    Anyone been to Fin lately

    Our Cambridge Walmart has a good supply of guns. The ammo is almost gone, but they resupply pretty regularly. Was at the Fin (Canton) Sunday just lookin for primers. No small pistol primers left, but the other sizes are/were there. Prices still good, limits imposed. 4000 per day, 1000 per...
  14. FredT

    Sourcing AR's...

    I just picked up 2 CMMG 5.56 flat top rifles w/heavy ss barrels. $2003.48 shipped for the pair.
  15. FredT

    Other pre-ban purchases

    I have to start hoarding more reloading supplies again.
  16. FredT

    Rabbit Hunting

    No. Maybe tomorrow.
  17. FredT

    WTB .327 Mag. Rifle

    All of the talk on the Marlin Owners website all say that the factory chamber pressure of the .327 is too high for the design of the Marlin 1894. Look at its operating pressure and then look at what comes the closest to it in a factory 1894 chambering.
  18. FredT

    Rabbit Hunting

    I have a hard enough time connecting with a .410 pump or semi auto. For me a .410 Contender pistol is way out of the question.
  19. FredT

    Muzzleloader get together

    Anymore interest in this?
  20. FredT

    Awesome Perch Fishing

    Ya, shows you how sharp I was feeling the first bite!