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  1. nathan.luthman

    20 ga

    So i was cutting my deer up tonight and i found my slug. It is a 20 ga Winchester Super X
  2. nathan.luthman


  3. nathan.luthman

    Team 2

    Jackalope Mk111 nathan.luthman whack Boarhead
  4. nathan.luthman

    Future hunters

    My body and nephews practicing with me
  5. nathan.luthman

    Bow string

    I had a new string put on my bow a couple of months ago by the Archery Shop in Minster. I have approximately 400 shots on the thing and it looks like this My question is if i should be concerned with it. I shoot a bear legion with the built in string stops. Never had a bow restrung dont know if...
  6. nathan.luthman


    Almost a robin hood tonight... of course i went and bought half a dozen new arrows. Couldnt happen with the old ones
  7. nathan.luthman


    Has anybody ever hunted in them... i think that you could feel the ground better and be quieter
  8. nathan.luthman

    Ohio game and fish?

    Anybody ever heard if ohio game and fish magazine. If so i was wondering if it is worth getting or not
  9. nathan.luthman


    Hello everybody new to the ohio outdoors... a little about me. I am 24 yrs old and i live in shelby county where i work as an electrician. I am married with a four yr old son who is just starting to show intrest in hunting and fishing really looking forward to teaching him all about it.