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  1. ohio mossy oak

    Anyone transitioned from RH to LH

    This may not be the answer for everyone.I used a blinder and/or eye patch covering part of my left eye for years.Not having that full field of view in the woods sucks imo. I also shot long-guns this way.It took me years to warm up to the idea or switching with any weapon.Now I have not made the...
  2. ohio mossy oak

    Customizing my Summit Viper SD

    Killer setup!! I had everyone of those mods on my Viper ss with the exception of the paint.I sold it a few years back and am now modding a LW climber in a similar manner..Those mods really take that climber to the next level.
  3. ohio mossy oak

    shooting issues

    I agree Acetone an Loctite Ultra Gel Control super glue are must.I really like using plain colored wraps,as I feel it makes fletching easier and it allows me to cheat on shaft prep :smiley_crocodile: .As for vanes/feathers,jigs an what fletching orientation.We could debate that for weeks..The...
  4. ohio mossy oak

    Deer beard.

    Ya got me beat,Im at the one year mark on this one.
  5. ohio mossy oak

    What will you be using this gun season?

    Rifled barrel Mossberg 500 12ga, with rifle type sights.But I have been considering a optic.
  6. ohio mossy oak

    Whats your setup for the 2014 season

    Stryker Strykezone380 crossgun,3x32 Multi-recticle scope, Spine sorted an spine indexed Black eagle executioners shafts,110grain inserts,omni nocks,3in Flex fletch silent knights vanes with 100grain Slick Trick magnums up for a total of 445grains..Lots of speed,KE and its super accurate.
  7. ohio mossy oak

    Hazmore Seat for climbers

    I had the hazmore on my viper ss and liked it.I plan to add one to my lone wolf sit n climb..I feel the hazmore style seat, a footrest, stabalizer straps and a pack system make climbers easier to carry, climb with and in the case of the stab straps, safer and more stable.If you have never used...
  8. ohio mossy oak

    What new cam are you going with this year?

    I got a Primos Truth 46 cam last year an never got it out.It will be out soon though.I have a few lesser cams that get run TOO.
  9. ohio mossy oak

    Good beer

    Im pretty basic most of the time Budweiser or PBR.When I wanna splurge beer wise I like to make black an tans at home with Sierra Nevada pale ale on the bottom and Guinness stout on top.Mondelo isnt bad an I really like negra mondelo.Im not to picky beer wise
  10. ohio mossy oak

    American Eagle .223

    You can order them but they may not stock them.Walmart in North Zanesville has had the same windham weaponry model for almost a year.Just sitting there..Priced at 850$ which seems 100$ or more over most other prices.
  11. ohio mossy oak

    Opening morning bird

    Nice bird..
  12. ohio mossy oak

    Pattern test.

    I have been meaning to update this.. I did just that ,but not necessarily in that order.I shot one at 30yd and adjusted up a hair.Then I shot a few small game 2 3/4-6s at 10yds of so then moved my sights left a bit..I shot at 30(266 hits),40(204 hits),50(142 hits) an 18yds..My 18yard pic is...
  13. ohio mossy oak

    DEAL Beretta nano 9mm $259.99 4-26-14 only

    I saw woodbury outfitters has a deal today.Buy any holster+ a box of ammo and get a Beretta nano 9mm for $259.99..Just passing the info along
  14. ohio mossy oak


    What do y'all do to reduce tick,skeeters etc from eating you alive in the spring turkey woods?I own a thermacell that works great for skeeters while sitting and deer hunting.But I am wondering what to use when I am on the move in the woods this time of year?
  15. ohio mossy oak

    870 sling studs.

    I know that Browning makes a few models that are similar to the Overbored mossbergs(based on the same principles).The BPS is one of them,which I hope to have one of these years.I just wanna be clear I am not saying one is best and the others are junk and I 100% agree with the bottom line being...
  16. ohio mossy oak

    870 sling studs.

    To completely disassemble a Mossberg 500/590/835etc,etc is a EASY task.If you have trouble I really aint sure what to tell ya(Without me getting a forum infraction :smiley_depressive:)..2 men and a computer:smiley_confused_vra.My 8year old can completely disassemble a Mberg 500 20ga.No need for...
  17. ohio mossy oak

    securing a ground blind

    I have only used the spring steel doghouse type blinds.Never had a issue with roof collapse for any reason and always left my shooting window open.Are you guys who had the collapse issue using the hub style blinds?
  18. ohio mossy oak

    Backyard Turkeys are back!

    Amazing pictures!