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  1. ohio mossy oak

    FOR SALE ALL BLACK Extreme RT-900 4-Pin(.019) Bow Sights

    I have for sale a All Black Extreme RT-900 4-pin(.019) sight,that I bought New one year ago..It is in GREAT shape!!!! I will take 40$ for it PayPal(preferred) or USPS Postal Money Order. I also have a black (DCAP) Dead Center Archery Products 6inch 3D Pro-Hunter stabilizer with 2 fine tuning...
  2. ohio mossy oak

    FOR SALE Dead Center Archery Products 6inch 3D ProHunter,Fine Tuning Weights,Bow Jax End Cap

    I have a black (DCAP) Dead Center Archery Products 6inch 3D Pro-Hunter stabilizer with 2 fine tuning weight an a Red X-IT end cap.There are a couple nicks on the weights,that you can see in the pics..Would cost ya 55.97$ direct from DCAP.. I will take 30$ shipped Paypal(preferred) or USPS...
  3. ohio mossy oak

    Jim Brown Clean out your Fuggin Inbox bro..

  4. ohio mossy oak

    Wildlife Council Hears Proposals for 2012-13 Deer Hunting Seasons

    Via this link......http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/News/NewsReleaseArchives/tabid/19075/EntryId/2673/Wildlife-Council-Hears-Proposals-for-2012-13-Deer-Hunting-Seasons.aspx
  5. ohio mossy oak

    Why have a civilization,if we are no longer interested in being civilized?

    Why have a civilization,if we are no longer interested in being civilized?Looks like it may be a damm good movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8ECeEjF-7k&feature=player_embedded
  6. ohio mossy oak

    Absolutely FREAKIN done with climbers!!!!!

    I am absolutely Fucking done with climbers!:smiley_depressive:No I didn't fall or anything like that...Im just sick of being limited on trees I can climb..The areas I hunt in it just isn't working..I thought a climber would be perfect for me.So I picked up a New Aluminum Viper(not 2011...
  7. ohio mossy oak

    Pretty fuggin creative if you ask me...

  8. ohio mossy oak

    YMutiple climbing sticks AND you

    Guys that use climbing stick sets(multiples) LW,muddy,leverage,gorilla,summit etc etc..If you could do me a favor tell me Your height Hunting height length of stick per length of stick spacing between each Im think ing getting rid of my new climber an going to a light hang on an...
  9. ohio mossy oak

    Stop SOPA link didnt work

    I filled everything out and tried to sent it..And im getting a 404 url not found message
  10. ohio mossy oak

    Largest center fire rifle ever made. .950JDJ

    MADE IN OHIO BABY!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xohy9gWz7kk#!
  11. ohio mossy oak

    NOCK OUT!!! A competitive archery reality TV show

    Check it out folks!!...Nock Out is a competitive reality TV show that pits 12 top compound archers against each other in team and individual challenges in order to determine the best all-around archer. The link to the site an pilot episode is below..I enjoy the concept an show very much...
  12. ohio mossy oak

    New Van Halen tune....Thoughts??

  13. ohio mossy oak

    Anybody need a HANDJOB??

  14. ohio mossy oak

    Best gun moment in cinema history

    What do you think is the best gun moment in cinema history?
  15. ohio mossy oak

    Turkey gun..Sight or bead vs optics

    What do you have on your turkey gun?
  16. ohio mossy oak

    G5 Prime bows Shield Service Program warranty

    I found this interesting...This would greatly benefit the folks who dont buy a new bow every year or so..And who also prefer to have a dealer do there tuning etc etc..
  17. ohio mossy oak

    THE ATA SHOW!!!What info or product would you like info one?

    Just like the title says.... THE ATA SHOW!!!What info or product would you like info one from there?
  18. ohio mossy oak

    DEAL NEW Primos TRUTH Cam 35 Infrared Digital Game Camera $59.99 SHIPPED

    Just passing along another decent deal http://www.wingsupply.com/game-cameras-accessories/primos-truth-cam-35-infrared-digital-game-camera/
  19. ohio mossy oak

    DEAL Lone Wolf Assault II Hand Climber $267.80 plus shipping

    Figured I would pass this along..Lone Wolf Assault II Hand Climber $267.80 plus shipping.Shipping for me came out to under 20$..I checked cabelas an there 370$ plus shipping(20-30$)..Just another deal I figured I would pass along..Link below https://www.openseasons.com/
  20. ohio mossy oak

    How many guys have turkey hunted with a Mossberg 835?

    How many guys have turkey hunted with a Mossberg 835?Any load or choke combos I should check out to start an see how its patterning?Im trying to keep on somewhat of a budget Thanks