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  1. H

    Trespassers confronted today

    I have done the same thing in the past. Come to find out I really have no say so and from what I been to told I am not aloud to confront a tresspasser if I am not the owner. I am not sure how true that is but it did come from a game warden. However i would do it again if the situation arose...
  2. H

    Which Treestand

    Woodbury outfitter has marksman luxury stand. This thing is very large and confortable. Has a 3 inch thick pad and very roomy. Almost reminds you of a climber. It only goes for 69.99 normally 99.99. I have seen the millennium and they look confy as well. Just not sure I am sold on them though...
  3. H

    Rut predictions

    I think Charlie nails it about every year. Last year he predicted alot of activity end of October thru early November. From what I have seen the last few years he seems to be spot on as far as peek activity. You have to have alot of things to see the true rut. What I mean is weather, pressure...
  4. H

    Longest shot with a bow?

    49 yard bow kill last year when i shot my buck. Me and jermiah were out that night
  5. H


    I must not be welcomed here. Every new member gets a welcome to the site and I get nothing. Feels like home when I get home from work LOL. I guess i have to suck the tittie like JJ!
  6. H

    The Smoker

    How can you say this for sure. If they busted you in the tree then something got there attention. Smoke, scent, movement something.