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  1. Wiley E Coyote

    Spring Turkey 2025

    Hey turkey hunters! I've been out scouting the last few weeks and glad to say I've been seeing a lot of birds! Hope y'all are too🦃
  2. Wiley E Coyote

    Compton Bowhunters Rendezvous 2024

    Come on up Switchhitter! The Preacher is camped next to us.
  3. Wiley E Coyote

    Cloverdale 2024

    Hey Switchhitter! Are you and your chew going to be there this year?
  4. Wiley E Coyote

    2024 Spring Turkey

    Anyone else getting excited? I know Giles is! 😆😂
  5. Wiley E Coyote

    Clinton county giant?

    Anyone seen anything about this buck. I'm being told it was killed in Clinton county
  6. Wiley E Coyote

    Deer Hunter Survey

    Anyone else get one of these in the mail today
  7. Wiley E Coyote

    Black Gate cell cams

    Ran into a friend of mine Saturday. Said he's been running Black Gate cell cams . Showed me pics from them and they look great especially the night pics. The company is local out of Peebles Ohio. The best part is the data plan. He is running eleven cams. 8000 pics a month for$45.00. great deal...
  8. Wiley E Coyote

    Are you ready for the weekend!!

    Who's going to be out there this weekend?
  9. Wiley E Coyote

    To many deer odnr

    Has anyone seen the story from the Columbus dispatch with the ODNR? Saying Ohio has to many deer and not enough hunters. 🙄
  10. Wiley E Coyote

    Sled drag

    Anyone ever use or own one of those plastic sleds for dragging deer? If so what's your opinion on them?
  11. Wiley E Coyote

    Hogs in Ross County

    These two were caught on camera over the weekend near Knockemstiff in Ross County
  12. Wiley E Coyote

    2024 spring season dates

    I see the state has not set season dates for next spring. Are they going to maybe move us up a week or take a week away? Maybe close some county's, interesting!
  13. Wiley E Coyote

    2023 bow season

    I know I have it bad! Can't wait to start hanging my stands back up. Most are going back in the same trees as last season but also have some that I've made adjustments on.
  14. Wiley E Coyote

    Chance for velvet bucks

    I see the season opens on September 9th in the CWD Counties. Hardin, Marion and Wyndot. Would be cool having a shot at one! They have a gun season October 7-9
  15. Wiley E Coyote

    Ohio trout fishing

    My little one is still a little young for turkey this year so we are heading to a local little lake the DNR is stocking this morning. Today is a youth day with prizes and games for the little ones. Only they can fish today. Have a good day what ever you all are into today!
  16. Wiley E Coyote

    New state gun record

    Morrow county 213 gross. 196net
  17. Wiley E Coyote

    WTF is this😁

    Iowa buck
  18. Wiley E Coyote

    2023 Turkey season

    This wind is laying down. I'll be out in the morning listening for some gobbling.
  19. Wiley E Coyote

    Turkey scouting

    Explored a new area this morning. Shitty weather and didn't hear a gobble but seen two in a field. Just has good 😁
  20. Wiley E Coyote

    OSTA Shoot

    Anyone planning on attending the OSTA shoot April 1st weekend