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  1. B

    Coyotes and Southern Ohio Deer

    Serious deer hunters are hunting smarter, not harder and longer. Real time cellular trail cams may increase success rates by several fold to ten fold. They are game changers. I can fully pattern a local herd’s activity without leaving my home or office. Herd numbers keep coming down, deer...
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    Blazing Saddles

    What in the wide wide world of sports is a going on here?
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    Coyotes and Southern Ohio Deer

    Based on Ohio's own reporting, they collected ~$28 million in hunting licenses and deer tag fees in 2022. The vast majority of the hunting license revenue is deer related. They can and should have some real data backing up their work., instead they just wing it, great! In their defense, total...
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    As my wife says...Gun Porn!

    M77 Mark II in 30-06.
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    Sherriff Jones, winning!

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    Coyotes and Southern Ohio Deer

    Thanks for the input. We have been hunting Tar Hollow for 30 years during gun season, there are far, far less deer there than there used to be. There used to be "deer highways" through the woods, now there are deer tracks. I emailed the ODNR about deer population densities. They sent me the...
  7. B

    Coyotes and Southern Ohio Deer

    What is the opinion on coyote predation of white tails? Do they take large numbers of fawns in the spring? We hunted Tranquility Wildlife area for part of muzzle loader season. I got into some pretty thick cover and found many game trails that were covered in dog prints. Coyotes? Local pet...