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  1. R

    Which gun?

    I have primarily concentrated on slug loads for hunting, for which purpose I feel that they are most appropriate. Even so, they are a stop gap alternative to a rifle, primarily useful where rifles are banned for political reasons. Shotgun slug loads intended to be fired from smooth bore barrels...
  2. R

    back at it. 45-70 or 44mag

    Recoil energy can be looked up at Chuckhawks.com. Some comparison 308 winchester has 15 - 18 lbs of energy, 7MM has 19-20 lbs, 45-70 has 23-37 lbs, 450marlin has 33-37 lbs. After 30+ lbs things can start to be painfull. Thats why I range shoot with a sled to work up loads. 10 shots off a bench...
  3. R

    back at it. 45-70 or 44mag

    I agree the older Marlins are fine as they come. You never heard of cases sticking in the chambers like they are now. Since Remington bought them out they are using different machining methods leaving the chambers and receivers very rough. My friend has a new marlin ( in 45-70) that is very...
  4. R

    back at it. 45-70 or 44mag

    I have the Big bore 375 marlin and its been a get rifle. Taken several hogs with it. Its rock solid but since I got the BLR I have really gotten back into reloading and I have found the 450 cases to be very durable and easy to reload. I had another blr 20 yrs ago in 308 and it was a great gun...
  5. R

    back at it. 45-70 or 44mag

    Forget the marlin rifles there a crap shoot if you buy one. Bad quality all the way around. Buy the browning BLR in 450marlin. I'm shooting 7/8" groups at 100yrds using reloader 7 and the hornady 300grn HP bullet. Its just a better gun. If you reload you will have all kinds of options from...
  6. R

    my name says it all

    Ohio just passed the use of the 450 marlin. This rifle will have the best performance of any other rifle. Browning BLR are very accurate. The best thing about the BLR is its magazine fed rifle so you can load pointed bullets can be loaded. I know 45/70 hand loads are impressive, but if you hand...