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  1. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    Lack of deer movement in last couple days in these conditions is crazy. Giving it til 9 then bringing the boy this afternoon to hopefully get his first deer. If it’s brown and furry it’s getting an arrow.
  2. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    Thanks to all the veterans out there who preserve our freedoms, including squirrel watching with a deer hunting weapon in our hands. Hope you are able to get out and enjoy the woods today. Good luck all.
  3. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    Back on stand. Those Cajun crawfish tails seemed like such a good idea for lunch. Massive rumblings
  4. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    I’m in a good mental state right now after getting busted 4 times yesterday due to swirling winds and thermals. Zero expectations. Gonna sit here and squirrel watch.
  5. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    I was cursing the wind all day then it dies too much. Pretty sure my scent was just lingering and drifting down the creek. 3 deer winded me. In places where they shouldn’t have with a true northwest wind.
  6. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    Somebody is going to arrow one tonight. Take that to the bank. I got a feeling.
  7. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    Morning was an absolute bust with gusty, swirling winds. Back out. Gentle breeze from Northwest now. Creek bottom where bucks seem to like to cruise in November. We’ll see. And I agree that evenings seem to be better lately even with the warmer temps.
  8. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    If that 3 year old stands under my tree again today, he may need a gauze pad
  9. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    Just had a deer from a couple hundred yards away prove for the thousandth time that scent blocking clothes are a scam.
  10. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    Interesting to see what this strange weather will do today. High of the day before sunrise, rain stopping in 20 minutes and cold front coming through. We’ll see. I’m packing plenty of food in case things pop off. Good luck all.
  11. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    Nothing but that 4 pointer creeping around. Still waiting for things to bust loose
  12. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    Well… 4 pointer already strolled by
  13. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    No idea on Earth what I am doing out here other than the old man would have no part of sitting on the couch on November 8th. 68 degrees with swirling winds. We’ve been putting a lot of pressure on this place and wanted to take the night off ahead of better weather coming in. Luckily I think...
  14. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    2 does feeding acting real jumpy. 60 yards
  15. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    Just had a 3 year ten point right under me
  16. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    November 8th, 40 degrees. You’d think these bucks would be crisscrossing these hillsides like crazy. Maybe they’ll get going soon.
  17. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    In my younger days, I would have kept walking and put my sphincter in a 4 hour WWF battle royal against those habanero peppers. Not anymore. Once you’ve gambled and lost a pair of drawers, tends to wise one up.
  18. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    Good luck. Better temps today. Got partway to my stand and realized why that hot sauce at the Mexican restaurant last night had a warning label.
  19. J

    LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

    Two bucks sparring about 100 yards down the creek. Was getting dark so turned the estrous can over to get their attention. Didn’t realize a 2 year old 8 was coming in from other direction. He saw me and blew and ruined everything.