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  1. ohio mossy oak

    FOR SALE Fully Loaded 2010 Elite Archery Z28

    I am selling a loaded 50-60(62lb max)/28.5inch draw length module 2010 Elite Archery Z28 in all black Ninja finish.It has 24 strand 452x strings and cables in brown/red speckled colors with 300 shots or less on them and some used factory strings included Comes with: Torquless Grip...
  2. Schu72

    2012 Arrow Selection

    Since the broadhead discussion is going se well..:smiley_coolpeace::smiley_coolpeace: how about we talk about arrows? (and to show off some Skeeter Creek Outdoors product) This year I made a slight switch. Went from Beman ICS Hunter 340s to Beman ICS Hunter Pro 340s with helical blazers...
  3. jagermeister

    FOR SALE 2010 Elite Z28 Ninja - 70# 29.5"

    I really hate to do this, but right now this bow is my spare and I have a North Dakota waterfowling trip to pay for soon... So unfortunately, this baby has got to go. 2010 Elite Z28 - 70# limbs, 29.5" draw mods I am the original owner of this bow, bought new in 2010. This is a genuine Elite...