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  1. Huckleberry Finn

    Lineman's Belt

    I need to buy a lineman's belt for some extra security while hanging sticks... Are they all made equally? HS: http://www.amazon.com/Hunter-Safety-System-Linemans-Climbing/dp/B003P5H3N4/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1344132930&sr=8-2&keywords=lineman%27s+belt Call me a dumbass, but any tips on...
  2. Boone

    Safety belt level?

    What level do you guys tie your sefety belt to the tree compared to when you are standing? I have been having issues deciding to leave it high, like shoulder level, or lower. It interferes with my draw arm if I have to turn towards the tree to take a shot if it is at chest/shoulder level. I...