I have a bunch of pics of this buck, but all at night. If he makes it through the season I'll be looking for him next year. Anythoughts on age or gross score?
I had to work Friday night till midnight and decided to head down to the cabin since my wife was already there ( a 3.5 hr drive). I got on stand before day break and it just felt like one of those mornings. A small buck followed a doe at first light then headed out of sight. Soon after 9 shots...
This is a buddy of mine that seems to put great deer on the ground every year. He got these trail cam pics and thats when he named him WOW WOW, cause thats the first thing he thought. He said this deer last year was about 130" eight. He deflated him Sat. evening.
There was alot of talk on here between many of us about which days to take off work during the rut. I tried November 3rd and had a decent 8 point under my stand making a scrape and putting on quite a show. I sat all day and that was the only buck I saw.
I then tried November 11th and the only...
After 10 years of hunting with a bow I finally downed my first buck Saturday Nov. 12th on private property in Adams Co. I have passed up many small bucks in the past waiting for one of those bucks that would go 140+, qualifying for the Buckeye Big Buck Club record book. Well I just couldn’t...
After getting some permission to hunt some good looking ground in the hilly regions of north central Ohio I made it a point to set a few days aside to bowhunt during prime time. It has always been a dream of mine to hunt big woods and rolling terrain for deer, and this was a prime opportunity...
Well after a long week in IN with multiple shot opps I finally let an arrow fly. I passed a 130" 8pt opening morning around 10 am and saw 9 different bucks that morning, including a 150" 8pt we call the Mag 8. He was doggin 6 does and I snort wheezed and he broke off and headed my way...
Well I have had some good days and some bad days these past couple weeks. I started by taking off the Friday before Halloween. I hunted all day and didn’t really see anything at all. Saturday proved to be much different. Denny and I got in the stand really early that sat. It was cold, rainy...
Was not in my stand 15 min this morning when I see this rack about 100 yds across the bean field. About 10 seconds of rattlin and he made a bee line right to me. I was in a ladder stand and shot him at 5 yards...yep 5 yards :) Both deer shot this year were less than 10 yards. Scent free...
After reviewing some camera footage I had a feeling I might get an early morning visitor at my stand. I got down there bright and early, almost an hour before legal shooting time. It was much windier than expected and I was already regretting not wearing my heavy coverall. As time passed and...
Too bad his Left Right is screwed up.. 10-30-11 9:57 pm
Had a dandy of a deer do this tonight.. I didn't know WTF it was and hadn't seen the deer yet.. About 20-30 min prior a 120 class 8 was chasing a yearling doe all over in that honeysuckle patch.. 30 min later after the 120 class buck and doe had gone. I could hear a deer down there milling...
this deer looks good from the one side,looks like he has a leg injury,if I see him I'll stick him,before he becomes waste for coyote dinner
look at hind leg
be a nice 3yr. old if both sides were the same
A couple weeks ago I decided to get a crossbow for my son who is 8, soon to be 9 years old....he isn't quite strong enough to shoot the required 40lb limit on a compound and I figured this would be the best chance of him to do some deer hunting while the weather was still good. I bought him a...
This buck has either been hit by a car or he's been mounted to many times...lol... Saw him last night at about 70 yards. We were running a bean field and we got down to the last couple passes and up he goes. We had been in the field all afternoon.