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  1. Buckmaster

    Corn prices 2013

    What is the going rate for bagged corn prices this year? Any deals out there? Here in Portage they are still in last year's mindset; "Shortage". By looking at the fields there seems to be an excess to me.
  2. Blackbeard

    Corn stalks versus shelled corn

    No contest, shelled corn all the way, camera went dead so I didn't get see what happened when the shelled corn was gone if they ate the stalks, didn't look like it when I checked the cam today.
  3. Bigslam51

    Apples and Corn

    No longer will I be buying corn at TSC at $12 for 40 pounds, the local seed store has shelled corn 100 pound bags for $15 so I picked up 200 pounds. I also got the hook up on apples, I asked the neighbor down the street if I could pick the apples out of his old mans yard and he said I could even...
  4. Bigslam51

    Strategies for hunting standing corn

    That's all that is planted around here this year with the exception of my buddies farm which is beans. What is your most effective way to hunt standing corn? I'm going to place a stand on a good trail that leads from the corn to the woods and I also have a natural ground blind along a main trail...
  5. Outdoorsfellar

    Corn on the cob ... NOW

    In case you didn't know this, I certainly didn't ..... if you see corn in stores such as wally world at this time of year, you can prepare it & have it just as tasty as in later summer. My wife & I had some in April & it was so delicious. This corn came from Florida like any other would this...
  6. Ohiosam


    There is still corn standing in this part of the state, especially where I hunt. As of Dec. 11 the USDA estimates 18% is still standing in Ohio. http://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Ohio/Publications/Crop_Progress_&_Condition/current_oh.pdf On the bright side we're finally getting a...
  7. rgecko23

    Weather and Corn

    What is up with this weather? I know its Ohio and our weather is crazy, but it seems like we are going to have a really extremely cold winter and not alot of snow, or it is just going to open up on us. We usually have a pretty good snow at least once by now. Its almost christmas and there is a...
  8. jagermeister

    Ducks Feeding in Standing Corn... Great Footage

    Field Hudnall is probably one of the best, if not the best, editors and videographers in the waterfowl industry... So whenever he shares a video on youtube, I make damn sure to watch it. This is some amazing footage right here. Watch it until the very end. He introduces a very interesting...
  9. Bowhunter57

    Are turkeys hard on a growing corn crop?

    I'm hunting on a farmer's property that hates turkeys. He says that they'll uproot a corn crop as soon as it sprouts out of the ground. :smiley_boos: I'm not that familar with the eating habits of turkeys. :smiley_confused_vra Is this a lagitimate concern? Do turkeys eat the corn plant as...
  10. Bowhunter57

    New Method of Shucking Corn

    I don't know how "new" this method may be, but it certainly works great. www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnBF6bv4Oe4 Bowhunter57
  11. Rutin

    If theres corn out..... Hes there!

    I GOTTA get back to KY!!! If theres corn out then this buck is there.... I put corn out Sept. 21 and he spent the next 4 days there, and would come back every couple days to see if more was out. Well this weekend is there early Muzzleloader so I WILL be there, plus I just dumped 100 lbs of...
  12. Ohiosam


    Corn has dropped over a $1 a bushel in the last couple of weeks. Maybe not at retail stores but if you buy it right from a farmer or elevator now might be a good time to stock up.
  13. ohio mossy oak

    Corn for silage

    So how much is left on the ground after chopping silage.They chopped a 8acre patch yesterday that sits between alf an clover...You think the deer will hit it or will they prefer the safety of the standing corn in other parts of the farm??
  14. Beentown


    After doing some talking (farming friends and family) and research it looks like the dreaded corn will still be up for the rut, at least for my area. Usually corn gets taken off between October 15th and November 2nd. This year with alot getting planted after the middle of June and a pretty...
  15. rossbows

    ear corn

    Does anybody like to us ear corn vs shelled corn? I have heard some guys like it better than shelled because coons don't mess with it as bad.
  16. Johnch

    The Darn Deer are bedding in the corn

    Sorry I have to rant a few min. The last time I checked the camers , I only had 2 doe's , couple of fawns and 2 small bucks Some a number of times Over a 10+ day span So I have been going out watch just before dark and if time , first light No the bucks and most of the doe's have...
  17. JD Boyd

    It's my corn!!!

    Here's a good pic...