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  1. hickslawns

    Kentucky elk hunts

    Anyone put in for the Kentucky elk tags? I have not yet done so but every year we go to the reunion I think more and more about doing so. My relatives live (mainly) in Knott County Kentucky. This is the elk capital of Kentucky. I believe they call it the Elk Capital of the East. Many say...
  2. Monster Raxx

    Great elk!!!

    Here is a pic of a good friend of mine on my Pro Staff that shot a BEAST of an elk in Colorado with his bow. It is a giant 7x7, I havent heard a official score yet but they were thinking around 340" :)
  3. Jackalope

    Record Minnesota Elk Found Pinned Alive.

    Ryan Muirhead set out on the morning of December 12 with hopes of filling his whitetail tag on the final day of Minnesota’s muzzleloader season. What he found instead--a huge 9 x 10 elk pinned flat on its back, alive, with its massive antlers stuck in the mud. Muirhead was able to free the...