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  1. Ridge Runner

    Broad head Recommendations

    After reading the great write up about the Muzzy broad head, I am now thinking it may be time to switch brands. I have used mostly Muzzy for years with pretty great success. But after reading that the flight of them may not be great (Which would explain why I am pulling my hair out sometimes)...
  2. themedic

    Shed hunting and arrow head hunting on the radio

    Couldnt find a fitting place for this topic so I thought I would try in the Shed Forum. I'm doing a interview with Dan Armitage of Buckeye Sportsman.net radio Saturday morning 6-7am and talking about shed and arrowhead hunting. Since I plan to talk about it, I thought I would share some of my...
  3. Archertl

    I.J. Owls Head 38.

    My fiancee's Grandpa passed away last month. When he passed away he lefted behind a 440 arce farm, many loved ones and a Iver Johnson .38 Owl Head revolver. Jessie's mom tried to get rid of the rovolver. Luckly Jessie sent me a phone picture asking what it was. I was able to convience Jessie's...
  4. Bowhunter57

    Best Head Stone Contest

    Headstone of Russell J. Larsen in the Logan City Cemetery, Logan, Utah. I wonder if he died knowing he won the 'Coolest Headstone' contest? His five rules for a happy life are below. FIVE RULES FOR MEN TO FOLLOW FOR A HAPPY LIFE: 1. It's important to have a woman who helps at home, cooks...
  5. Beentown

    Mossberg using their head!

    I thought this was a great product to bring on the market. I may end up getting one myself. .223 rifle that takes AR mags. The only thing I would change is the twist in the barrel. 1 in 8" makes for more choices in boolits. http://www.mossberg.com/products/default.asp?id=46
  6. dante322

    1st dead head

    found my first evr dead head while puting out trail cams with redcloud this afternoon. its a shame. had a nice bladed beam on his left side. would have been a nice deer in a couple years.
  7. matt hougan

    Chipotle or Hot Head?

    Which do you prefer? Chipotle or Hot Heads? I cant decide
  8. Bowhunter57

    Bird's Head Revolver Manufacturers?

    Does anyone, besides Uberti, make a Bird's Head revolver? http://www.uberti.com/firearms/stall..._bird_head.php Thank you, Bowhunter57
  9. dante322

    head to head

    moultre vs. primos last week I checked my trailcams. one moultre one primos. both had sat for 2 weeks. the moultre took several pics. in every one was some type of critter. deer, turkey, birds, squirrels... the primos however took 3 pics of a doe the day after it was set up on a pinch...
  10. twireman

    Good guys 1 crack head 0.....

    Video of self defense shooting in Dayton earlier this week...... http://fox.daytonsnewssource.com/shared/newsroom/raw_news/videos/vid_47.shtml Here is a link to his discussion forum on ohioccwforum.com http://ohioccwforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=53502
  11. dante322

    Huhh?? (head scratcher)

    Here's one for ya' About 7 or 8 months ago I filled out paper work to purchase a remington 700. I was denied. I was'nt sure why since I havent had any trouble buying firearms in the past so I went through the appeals process. After jumping through the hoops, filling out the papers, submiting...
  12. Matt

    Might head to Florida...

    ... to chase Osceolas and hogs. I have been trying to decide what to do for my spring break, which starts March 26th. I have a buddy who lives in Port Charlotte, which is near Ft. Myers, so I will probably stay with him. It will end up being a last-minute final decision based on my money...