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  1. Bowhunter57

    Ad in the Indiana Auto

    2002 Harley Davidson V-Rod 12,600 mi., nice bike, fast, pretty, great ride, girlfriend pregnant, wife knows, must sell, lawyer wants money. $7,800 Roann, IN. 260-982-0298 I'm guessing the "fast, pretty, great ride" portion of this ad is about the pregnant girlfriend, not the bike...
  2. themedic

    Leopard in Indiana?

    My buddy where I hunt in Indiana emailed me this story today. I hunt just outside Charlestown where this was reportedly taken. Be a pretty sweet bow kill ehh? http://www.wdrb.com/story/22655748/indiana-wildlife-officials-believe-leopard-shot-killed-in-clark-county
  3. Rutin

    Few more Indiana deer

    Seems like the sleeper state has always been good to me and I got several pm questions about the state from my last post (3rd year) so heres a few more of pics of the bucks im after over there. My nemesis..... had him a 90 yards last year but he was on the other side of a small lake and...