Not really sure if it was a prankster or someone trying too keep their place from getting demolished but it's funny none the less......
Cowboy walks into the phamacy and heads up to the clerk,
Cowboy: "Give me three packets of condoms, please."
Cashier: "Do you need a paper bag with that, sir?"
Cowboy: "Nah.... She ain't that ugly." lmao
This chick makes a shitfaced cooking show.... lmao
"Those are some fucking Fancy Pancakes" lmao!
LMFAO Home made ice cream... lmao lmao
I was debating even going Muzzel loader hunting
As my freezer is full of doe's , duck and geese
But Monday I got a call from a cousin
I hunt his farms a lot some years , but not this year
His 12 year old son was ready to hunt
But he was going to be forced into working all week end...