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  1. RedCloud

    Redclouds Journal

    So today was the first time since shed hunting back in February since I have stepped foot on the far side of the river. I wanted to check on the apple tree's and make sure the wind storms over the summer had not damaged my stands. I also cut in some shooting lanes that had new growth that was...
  2. RedCloud

    Redcloud's 2013 Sheds

    I have been out the last couple weekends without much to report. Spent last weekend and covered a loop about 2miles and found nothing but a bunny lol. That same weekend Dante covered a bunch of ground on the opposite side of the property to find nothing. We both tagged this past weekend along...
  3. RedCloud

    SpyPoint pics of Redcloud's Deer 2012

    Heading to the apple tree that finally produced some apples this year. Couple of the young studs for the future
  4. RedCloud

    Redclouds 11/12 season

    I felt left out lmao. 9/24 Found me in my pasture stand for a late morning hunt. I had never been in this set other then the day I hung it so I wasn't comfortable trying it in the dark for an early morning hunt. I got to my stand at 11am to check the trail cam and decided to climb up for a...
  5. RedCloud

    Redclouds 9/27 Hunt

    9/27 I decided at noon to go out and check one of my trail cams in a section we call " The North Block " to see what had been moving in the last week. After only walking about 100 yards in a hear and see two doe take off running to the south. They only ran about 75 yards and stopped. They just...
  6. RedCloud

    Redclouds SpyPoint IR-6 pics

    Look at the range on this cam. That deer is back there about 20 - 25 yards from that cam