Couple cool pics from the gate cam this pull. This bobcat helped himself to leftovers from our waterfowl hunt a couple weeks ago.
First pic of a red fox I've had in quite some time. I even commented recently that I've not had any pics for a while. I enjoy seeing fox around.
Hung a cam on this trail hoping I get this exact pic, plus some of him leaving that area, all with some consistency. Nope. Only pic from a month-long soak. Doesn't help me much.
If the weather would cooperate, I would expect this to happen this weekend while Tracie and I overlook it from 50 yards away. To make matters worse, I was in this stand the night before with better weather and all I saw were 2 does. There's no consistency to this spot. It's either hot or not. We'll probably get skunked here this weekend. (Date was actually 12/27, so last Thursday.)