I've been busy flexing my hypocrisy and am very optimistic about tomorrow evening's hunt. When this buck showed up this summer, he was traveling E/W through an oak flat. I've thought he was bedding near our NE corner, so I moved a cell cam to a nice pinch point the week before gun season. He's been through here multiple times, including last night.
Even though I'm one of those "ban baiting" assholes, until it's banned, I'll use it to my advantage whenever I feel like it. And I felt like it. So I went in last Thursday and dumped 120#s of roasted soybeans, sunflower seeds, and cracked corn. He was there the first night and hasn't missed a meal since.
With a 10 degree temp drop coming and the perfect wind, my hopes are higher than normal. Knowing my luck, I'll see a spike and a possum, but at least I'll be in the woods!