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1023's 2024-2025 Journal


Staff member
I did deer things yesterday, so you could say it's getting serious... 🤷

I've been chipping away at things here and there, mainly babying the nicest clover plot I've ever grown. It's not in a great spot for hunting, but it's getting a ton of traffic.


I gave up on our back field. It's just too much for me to keep up with, so dad agreed to let it go from the year and we're exploring native prairie restoration for this 3.5 acres. I'm blown away by the deer sign all through and around it. Plant some soft mast, some pines, and a native prairie seed mix and let it go seems like a good idea.


Life's been ridiculous of late, so I needed some tractor therapy to unwind. Spent 3.5 hours hogging on Sunday and 2 more last night. My plots are all mowed and ready to spray. I had an "Oh shit!" moment last week when I realized I had to get started on plots this week or I'd be behind schedule. Where does the time go?!?

Looking forward to another year in the Corner Pocket. 😎



Oh, and this guy. He's cool. Needs 3 years, but you know how that goes 🤷

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