Took it for a drive this afternoon.
Ran very well. Good power through the RPM's. I think it will get even better with some fresh gas.
Ran very well. Good power through the RPM's. I think it will get even better with some fresh gas.
I have done a pretty good job resisting the urge to yank this motor out and swapping with the 355. Guessing that time is coming sooner than later. Thinking about doing it this winter. Probably going to do front disc brake conversion at the same time. Going to need to build up some play money first though.When’s the stroker going in it?
I have done a pretty good job resisting the urge to yank this motor out and swapping with the 355. Guessing that time is coming sooner than later. Thinking about doing it this winter. Probably going to do front disc brake conversion at the same time. Going to need to build up some play money first though.
If you're gonna swap it you could go LS. Call Jim he's done a number of them in Chevelles, same frame.
Build the 355 and sell it? Fund some the LS conversion?That would be awesome. I would need to bring the big wallet to do that.
I have the 355 ready to build in the barn. It’s already dipped and machined ready to put together. Probably need another $1300 or so in parts for pistons, crank, camshaft, etc. cost me another $700 or so for the front disc conversion. Other side of the argument is the dependability of the LS swap.
Now we’re talking. Might be a good plan.Build the 355 and sell it? Fund some the LS conversion?
Original motor might be worth something as well?Now we’re talking. Might be a good plan.
Gonna keep the original. No real reason other than the Connor connection.Original motor might be worth something as well?
That would be awesome. I would need to bring the big wallet to do that.
I have the 355 ready to build in the barn. It’s already dipped and machined ready to put together. Probably need another $1300 or so in parts for pistons, crank, camshaft, etc. cost me another $700 or so for the front disc conversion. Other side of the argument is the dependability of the LS swap.
I am guessing that price is either a crate motor or someone else doing all the labor.Last I priced an LS conversion average cost was around $11k.
I would imagine so. I had under $1500 in motor/trans out of a truck with 94,000 miles. Saving for the radiator, headers, and LS compatible fuel tank for the Chevy II. That would be $3000 high end but probably less for you. You have more room to fit it in place. I will drop it in but will need someone to do the computer and wiring stuff. Another grand? Hopefully less? That is $5500 total.I am guessing that price is either a crate motor or someone else doing all the labor.
I am guessing that price is either a crate motor or someone else doing all the labor.