My first opening morning and I got to see 2 young bucks stand broad side for me at 20 yds and I thought about the first one for a hot minute but took video of them with my cellphone instead. They came in about the time I figured a deer would and I had them on camera all summer too. So, that was a great feeling.
I had to attend a wedding Saturday night so I was out but I was given the green light to come home instead of going to the hotel and I came home for a morning hunt.Sunday morning, was a weird morning, DEAD calm and I mean not a leaf moving and not an animal moving!!! First morning I was surround by an infestation of raccoons, Sunday morning nothing. I had planned to stay till at least 10, I had a nice buck on cam on the 29th around 9:30am so I wanted to stay till then. About that time an old airplane went over head and was super loud, then about 2 mins after that a yearling came busting in to the scene followed by it's sibling and two older does, the yearlings turned broad side and in the clearing, but the other two stayed back, I wanted the fat one but she never came out from behind the trees, the second old doe was out about 30 yds but she never gave me a clear shot except when she stood facing me. I debated taking the shot but I am never a rush the shot guy, so I figured she would turn and give me a shot but never did, she went back in to the trees and stood broad side with her vitals covered rotflmao. They stood there for about 5 mins and then went back into the thick stuff and I sat there and thought to myself I could of been tagged out in the first two days of the season! I am happy to see deer and have the opportunity to take a shot, to me these were successful hunts and a great start to the season.
I had to attend a wedding Saturday night so I was out but I was given the green light to come home instead of going to the hotel and I came home for a morning hunt.Sunday morning, was a weird morning, DEAD calm and I mean not a leaf moving and not an animal moving!!! First morning I was surround by an infestation of raccoons, Sunday morning nothing. I had planned to stay till at least 10, I had a nice buck on cam on the 29th around 9:30am so I wanted to stay till then. About that time an old airplane went over head and was super loud, then about 2 mins after that a yearling came busting in to the scene followed by it's sibling and two older does, the yearlings turned broad side and in the clearing, but the other two stayed back, I wanted the fat one but she never came out from behind the trees, the second old doe was out about 30 yds but she never gave me a clear shot except when she stood facing me. I debated taking the shot but I am never a rush the shot guy, so I figured she would turn and give me a shot but never did, she went back in to the trees and stood broad side with her vitals covered rotflmao. They stood there for about 5 mins and then went back into the thick stuff and I sat there and thought to myself I could of been tagged out in the first two days of the season! I am happy to see deer and have the opportunity to take a shot, to me these were successful hunts and a great start to the season.