Same results we have had. 06 has Durango is getting cancer in notorious spots.For what it's worth.......I had 1998....2003 and 2010 Ram 1500's all purchased new and got 300k miles out of 98 and 03 and turned in the 2010 to the company I worked for before I got to see it reach 300k but they were all super trucks! I just bought a new silverado last year I think mainly because I wanted to try something different but I have nothing bad to say about the Rams I've owned.
Every maker has its small problems. I remember when 100k was like a major achievement and trucks having 250 hp was a lot. Happy with what we have compared to the "good ole days". Vacations as a kid I can still se all the cars broke down on the side of the road. Now most vehicles just need fluids and wear parts changed up to 200k.