Shit I'm use to this crap by now, fuggin 100° everyday at work. I cool off by taking a spin on the tow motor lolBetter bring extra baby wipes and powder next weekend boys. It's going to be hot as fugg!
Welding at work in my underwear because the air condition is on... :smiley_bril:
How do you get away with that?!Welding at work in my underwear because the air condition is on... :smiley_bril:
Welding at work in my underwear because the air condition is on... :smiley_bril:
I am saddened. My buddy Steve might join us. He is a fellow dirt bike guy. Maybe he and I can do this section. We can avoid the major holes. On the record I am willing to admit this: the dude can out ride me. I never once beat him when we were racing together. I say this because I know some of you have witnessed guys on dirt bikes who were libilities in the past. Steve won't be one of them.
....but that leaves tan lines? :smiley_confused_vra
he's in ass-less chaps to protect from the weld splatter
I'm just gonna leave this one alone....I don't even want to know.... rotflmao
Had a couple days off from work with a little bit of a break from doing house stuff and got the trailer stripped down. Had to replace the floor and the 2×'s as well as remove some rust and repaint it. Just have to get some wiring done Sunday and it should be good to go.