I have always wanted to try this method from hearing a could guys talk about it. Plus is it was free!!! I had a couple guys recommend burying the skull just so the antlers are sticking up out of the ground and then covering the antlers with foil and a barrel to keep critters from digging it up. I put it in the ground right away last september and pulled it out of the ground about a month and half ago. It definitely had a FUNKY smell when I dug it up! but for the most part except for few tiny pieces of muscle it was completely clean!! I used some green clean and peroxide to help tame the smell and lighten it up a little. I still have it out in the garage as I am waiting for the stink to fade! Will I do it again?? Most likely not, I will just boil it and power wash it next time!! I am kinda digging the natural look it has now?? What do you guys think? Get that skull white or keep it natural?