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2018 WTF’s Up Chuck


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
View attachment 61428Last week spent the afternoon knocking them down, the 5th one made it to the hole but I seriously doubt he’ll ever see daylight again....

Those were #11-16
View attachment 61429
#17 today with #18 making it to the hole with a hole and probably not to return as well.... These were with the 22 mag as I’m fresh out of 243 and in the process of getting them reloaded... Probably should of reloaded over winter but who knew I’d of gone thru so many rounds this year lol....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
#19 was hiding by a vacant building that if he’d of moved about 20’ to the left he’d of been history.....
#17 was with another one and when I went to retrieve it the second one was down in the tall weeds growling at me before diving in it’s hole.
Tried for 30 minutes to wait it out with no luck.
There’s about a half dozen more that’s on the radar but until this first cut comes off it’ll have to wait....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
View attachment 61446
#’s 19&20
Still hunted these 2, 19 was about 50 yards and 20 was about half that distance. 22 mag woks good for this type of hunting as I can usually get fairly close to them.
Whittling them down to single digit numbers on this farm. He wants em all gone but that won’t happen lol we’ll at least this year.... The pasture area where the horses roam is pretty well cleaned out but the tree lines surrounding the ag fields will take some doing and once this first cut comes off I have the farm east of this to hunt as well....
The property south I’ll approach to see if them mind some reductions as well .....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
If you look to the right of the bush in the middle of the photo you’ll see a branch sticking up from the weeds....

This guy was sleeping on it.... Was.....

#22 was out in a bean field and I misjudged the distance and didn’t aim high enough for the 22 mag and shot under him and he jumped about a foot or two in the air hauling the mail to the hole.... So 21 so far.
Gotta say this is the first time I’ve actually shot a groundhog out of a tree 😂.... I’ve seen them in trees and have shot them off of stumps but never shot one 6’ in the air lol....
Looks like you have had a good spring. I've not had a gun out of the safe other than two very short mornings of turkey season. Life here has been a bit of a disaster the past six months, but I think things are looking up. The wife had surgery yesterday, which hopefully is the start of better days ahead.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Looks like you have had a good spring. I've not had a gun out of the safe other than two very short mornings of turkey season. Life here has been a bit of a disaster the past six months, but I think things are looking up. The wife had surgery yesterday, which hopefully is the start of better days ahead.

Sorry too near about the wife, hopefully it was nothing serious....

The fields finally got cut last week, so I’ll be back out again next week looking for some stragglers who were hiding in the tall stuff... There’s a back field I haven’t had a chance to look over as the front section held a bunch and that’s where the owner was complaining about... Still a couple of stragglers up there as well and I’ll concentrate on those first... He said there was a bunch but until I started setting up I was doubting him at first lol... I was wrong lol