My wife did this today. It took her an hour.You never realize how filthy groceries are until you wipe them down before taking them inside.
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Yeah and ya see a lot of people from all walks of life that can't grasp the concept of social distancing - dumb shits for sureI’m sitting in the parking lot of our local grocery store. Watching people while Krista picks a few things up. It is my form belief, when this thing spreads rampantly through our community, it will be the lowest denominator of society that moves it around. By that I mean the folks who do not do laundry, wash their hands... or work for a living. I just watched a filthy fat dude pick his beak while walking in. He was followed by a fat chic with two dirty little kids in tow. You know these filthy people will paw everything in the store and haven’t the good sense to keep an acceptable distance from others. Good grief. And btw, this is at the highly over priced grocery store we frequent. The views at the Dollar General are even worse. Good lord there are a lot of idiots
Swear to God a chic just drove through the lot who was also picking her dang nose!
It’s something to walk in to a (liquor) store and get a roll your eyes reaction from one of the employees when they see you wearing a mask and rubber gloves. I don’t give a fuck what they think and neither did the other guy who came in after. Gloves and mask in the garbage, everything wiped down, clothes in the wash, shower, etc. I feel like I did well. The first time or two doing it all makes you realize it’s a process. A process that makes you realize it’s better to just get by as long as you can without going out.
Im not wearing gloves and masks to go about my normal business. Just not gonna do it. Those masks don't do anything except make their wearers look silly.
How my eldest kid in lock-down Brooklyn, NY spent his afternoon today.
I'd say all is well![]()
I'll be sure to call all these hospitals and tell them to stop wasting their time buying all that Personal Protective Equipment. .. The reality is anything is more effective than nothing.
I’ll agree. Having said that, I’ve implemented cautionary steps here at the shop and I can look out into the parking lot and dang near tell by first appearance who will follow the steps and who will completely disregard them. Some people have no respect for others space or welfare. It may be only a coincidence, but the vast majority of them also have no regard for personal hygiene. They are the reason I installed plexiglass around the cash register Anyone could sneeze or cough but them dirty bastards will lean towards you to do it.Yeah and ya see a lot of people from all walks of life that can't grasp the concept of social distancing - dumb shits for sure