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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Dignitary Member
Staff member
While I'm on the topic. Lets talk cellular function, mRNA and DNA in shorthand.

The statement that the vaccine doesn't mess with your DNA is true and false. One of the functions of a cell is this highly complex process to create proteins and genetic material that formulates DNA and sustains life. The vaccines synthetic mRNA is an instruction booklet for your genetic engine to create a protein that it has no idea how to manufacture. Ribosomes make these three dimensional proteins that are the essential building blocks of life. Once it creates the proteins as instructed by the synthetic mRNA, your bodies protector the immune system recognizes it as a bad creation and attacks it. The protien that it's being instructed to make is the spike protien that Covid uses to dock on your cell and inject it's own mRNA. So while it does not "alter" your DNA, it absolutely hijacks the extremely complex process used to create the building blocks of life. By the way, this is the same way that cancer forms in your cells. Cancer is nothing more than bad genetic material created by cells. Every second of every day your body is destroying these bad creations. Unfortunately sometimes your immune system doesn't recognize them as bad, or they multiply faster than your body can control and you end up with cancer that is growing. This is why an extremely high white blood cell count is a warning sign that someone may have cancer. In essence the vaccination quite literally tricks your body into creating a cancerous protein that your body recognizes and attacks. The synthetic mRNA is not created by the body so the process cannot continue beyond it's availability to the ribosomes.

So while they can say the vaccination doesn't mess with or alter your "DNA" it absolutely temporarily hijacks the system that plays a critical role in the formulation of you DNA and your very building blocks of life. It's voodoo science, and the reason it spent decades as black magic and was never taken serious in any scientific communities. There is still far too much that is unknown about messing with mRNA and cellular functions. Necessity is the mother of all inventions and sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. Just like in war there is an acceptable casualty rate.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
While I'm on the topic. Lets talk cellular function, mRNA and DNA in shorthand.

The statement that the vaccine doesn't mess with your DNA is true and false. One of the functions of a cell is this highly complex process to create proteins and genetic material that formulates DNA and sustains life. The vaccines synthetic mRNA is an instruction booklet for your genetic engine to create a protein that it has no idea how to manufacture. Ribosomes make these three dimensional proteins that are the essential building blocks of life. Once it creates the proteins as instructed by the synthetic mRNA, your bodies protector the immune system recognizes it as a bad creation and attacks it. The protien that it's being instructed to make is the spike protien that Covid uses to dock on your cell and inject it's own mRNA. So while it does not "alter" your DNA, it absolutely hijacks the extremely complex process used to create the building blocks of life. By the way, this is the same way that cancer forms in your cells. Cancer is nothing more than bad genetic material created by cells. Every second of every day your body is destroying these bad creations. Unfortunately sometimes your immune system doesn't recognize them as bad, or they multiply faster than your body can control and you end up with cancer that is growing. This is why an extremely high white blood cell count is a warning sign that someone may have cancer. In essence the vaccination quite literally tricks your body into creating a cancerous protein that your body recognizes and attacks. The synthetic mRNA is not created by the body so the process cannot continue beyond it's availability to the ribosomes.

So while they can say the vaccination doesn't mess with or alter your "DNA" it absolutely temporarily hijacks the system that plays a critical role in the formulation of you DNA and your very building blocks of life. It's voodoo science, and the reason it spent decades as black magic and was never taken serious in any scientific communities. There is still far too much that is unknown about messing with mRNA and cellular functions. Necessity is the mother of all inventions and sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. Just like in war there is an acceptable casualty rate.

Short answer was "either way" 🤣

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
While I'm on the topic. Lets talk cellular function, mRNA and DNA in shorthand.

The statement that the vaccine doesn't mess with your DNA is true and false. One of the functions of a cell is this highly complex process to create proteins and genetic material that formulates DNA and sustains life. The vaccines synthetic mRNA is an instruction booklet for your genetic engine to create a protein that it has no idea how to manufacture. Ribosomes make these three dimensional proteins that are the essential building blocks of life. Once it creates the proteins as instructed by the synthetic mRNA, your bodies protector the immune system recognizes it as a bad creation and attacks it. The protien that it's being instructed to make is the spike protien that Covid uses to dock on your cell and inject it's own mRNA. So while it does not "alter" your DNA, it absolutely hijacks the extremely complex process used to create the building blocks of life. By the way, this is the same way that cancer forms in your cells. Cancer is nothing more than bad genetic material created by cells. Every second of every day your body is destroying these bad creations. Unfortunately sometimes your immune system doesn't recognize them as bad, or they multiply faster than your body can control and you end up with cancer that is growing. This is why an extremely high white blood cell count is a warning sign that someone may have cancer. In essence the vaccination quite literally tricks your body into creating a cancerous protein that your body recognizes and attacks. The synthetic mRNA is not created by the body so the process cannot continue beyond it's availability to the ribosomes.

So while they can say the vaccination doesn't mess with or alter your "DNA" it absolutely temporarily hijacks the system that plays a critical role in the formulation of you DNA and your very building blocks of life. It's voodoo science, and the reason it spent decades as black magic and was never taken serious in any scientific communities. There is still far too much that is unknown about messing with mRNA and cellular functions. Necessity is the mother of all inventions and sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. Just like in war there is an acceptable casualty rate.

Is that the same way your cells would react if you had covid and developed a natural immunity ?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Is that the same way your cells would react if you had covid and developed a natural immunity ?

Similar but different. The virus itself drops off a DNA snippet that invades the nucleus of the cell. The DNA is then replicated and ejected from the nucleus of the cell as tons of different mRNA instructions. The same ribosome machinery is used for both the vaccine and virus, with the virus it is used to create a bunch of proteins which are then assembled to complete the virus. With the actual virus this eventually kills you cell and the millions of virus copies escape to infect other cells.

The biggest difference is this. The vaccines mRNA is a single page of instructions used to create just the spike protein (which is what the virus uses to latch on to your cell). Unlike the actual virus which uses DNA to create hundreds of pages of mRNA instructions, (one of which is how to create the spike protein) the sum of which is a complete instruction book to create a viral pathogen.

The vaccine doesn't have a full DNA profile so it basically has a single page of instructions from a much larger manual. Instead of telling it to create spike proteins on the newly created virus cell, it instructs your cell to create them on the outside of your cell. There the immune system identifies the protein as unnatural and attacks it. It does this by destroying the cell. The same as your immune system does for most cancer cells. "Hey that one is malformed i better get rid of it and store that information in case I see it again"

The vaccine works by causing the immune system to recognize the spike protein as unnatural so it attacks the virus as it floats through your body before it even attaches to a cell. The less virus spike proteins that can attach to your cells, the milder the infection or viral load you'll have. However unlike a traditional vaccine that uses weakened or dead virus so the immune system can get a full blueprint, the vaccine is all about the spike protein. So when a virus connects to your cell with a spike protein that hasn't been destroyed yet, it can and does still inject it's DNA payload, the cell still creates copies of it, and thus creates more of the virus. This is why vaccinated people can still catch covid, some of them are going to get through.

Natural immunity provides the body a full genetic profile of the virus, not just the spike protein. The cells know "hey this is some BS, so I'm not going to replicate it and create more". The immune system can recognize the DNA or the complete pathogen and attack it. The problem there is some people aren't healthy enough to wait for their body to do that. In older populations their immune system is so slow the virus just outpaces it and their condition deteriorates. That is why younger and healthy people are far less susceptible to the virus. Their immune system is faster and their body can take the punishment to win the war.

The vaccine operates more like a RNA viruses such as HIV that don't contain DNA, they only drop off RNA for replication.
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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Similar but different. The virus itself drops off a DNA snippet that invades the nucleus of the cell. The DNA is then replicated and ejected from the nucleus of the cell as tons of different mRNA instructions. The same ribosome machinery is used for both the vaccine and virus to create proteins which are then assembled to complete the virus. With the actual virus this eventually kills you cell and the millions of virus copies escape to infect other cells.

The biggest difference is this. The vaccines mRNA is a single page of instructions used to create just the spike protein (which is what the virus uses to latch on to your cell). Unlike the actual virus which uses DNA to create hundreds of pages of mRNA instructions, (one of which is how to create the spike protein) the sum of which is a complete instruction book to create a viral pathogen.

The vaccine doesn't have a full DNA profile so it basically has a single page of instructions from a much larger manual. Instead of telling it to create spike proteins on the newly created virus cell, it instructs your cell to create them on the outside of your cell. There the immune system identifies the protein as unnatural and attacks it. It does this by destroying the cell. The same as your immune system does for most cancer cells. "Hey that one is malformed i better get rid of it and store that information in case I see it again"

The vaccine works by causing the immune system to recognize the spike protein as unnatural so it attacks the virus as it floats through your body before it even attaches to a cell. The less virus spike proteins that can attach to your cells, the milder the infection or viral load you'll have. However unlike a traditional vaccine that uses weakened or dead virus so the immune system can get a full blueprint, the vaccine is all about the spike protein. So when a virus connects to your cell with a spike protein that hasn't been destroyed yet, it can and does still inject it's DNA payload, the cell still creates copies of it, and thus creates more of the virus. This is why vaccinated people can still catch covid, some of them are going to get through.

Natural immunity provides the body a full genetic profile of the virus, not just the spike protein. The cells know "hey this is some BS, so I'm not going to replicate it and create more". The immune system can recognize the DNA or the complete pathogen and attack it. The problem there is some people aren't healthy enough to wait for their body to do that. In older populations their immune system is so slow the virus just outpaces it and their condition deteriorates. That is why younger and healthy people are far less susceptible to the virus. Their immune system is faster and their body can take the punishment to win the war.

The vaccine operates more like a RNA viruses such as HIV that don't contain DNA, they only drop off RNA for replication.



Senior Member
utterly repugnant, everyone who wants to get vaccinated is vaccinated already. we can't manipulate more people into getting it so maybe we need to get our pets vaccinated now. hell bells, they cannot even pay people to take it now.

agree with Geezer. cannot stand hearing him struggle to speak, I have not ever actually listened to a word he's ever said, anyway.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Sounds like they need to lay off the drugs. 🤣

One of the co-authors of the study, Dr Raj Kamal Choudhry said, “In the 1985-86 edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine [a highly recommended book for students studying medicine in medical colleges], Dr Fauci wrote that HCQ worked an anti-viral agent despite being an anti-malarial drug. There was no Covid-19 back then. HCQ’s anti-viral properties were known.”


Well-Known Member
True story....we are getting ready to vacation in Mexico, so we are all gearing up for testing and what not. Get a little side tracked discussing vaccination status of the group and my sister, who is a practicing ER doc in the Cincinatti area, shares that they had a patient this week who had COVID months ago, then both doses of the Phizer vaccine, presented to the ER with symptoms and is positive again!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
True story....we are getting ready to vacation in Mexico, so we are all gearing up for testing and what not. Get a little side tracked discussing vaccination status of the group and my sister, who is a practicing ER doc in the Cincinatti area, shares that they had a patient this week who had COVID months ago, then both doses of the Phizer vaccine, presented to the ER with symptoms and is positive again!

The common cold is a coronavirus. There is no vaccine or lasting immunity and it mutates constantly. Covid us here to stay and will likely be the leading cause of death in late life and compromised individuals for generations to come.