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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


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The percentage of vaccinated folks is increasing increasing incrementally by the day. Patients range from 27-82 years old. ZERO being said about co-morbidities and a little insider info says there's definitely a statistically relevant portion of these people who were admitted for something else, then tested positive. That said, people are indeed dying more often than at any other time during this who thing.

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Git Off My Lawn
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North Carolina
The percentage of vaccinated folks is increasing increasing incrementally by the day. Patients range from 27-82 years old. ZERO being said about co-morbidities and a little insider info says there's definitely a statistically relevant portion of these people who were admitted for something else, then tested positive. That said, people are indeed dying more often than at any other time during this who thing.

View attachment 135529
Are the feds still reimbursing if Covid patients are admitted?


Junior Member
If patient is symptomatic they are tested. All patients before being admitted are tested for covid regardless of why theyre being admitted. There is a lot of people who get admitted for something unrelated to covid, get swabbed and come back positive but are just asymptomatic. No admissions are labeled positive without testing.
Hence labeled as Covid even after they’re admitted for something else. Or it gives the appearance of….
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Buhhahahahaha :LOL::ROFLMAO:

Like this should absolutely take precedence or priority over everything else that our federal agencies are failing in doing currently, like the southern border, drug & human trafficking's, MS 13 gang bangers, terrorists/JAHAD fuggers, so on and so forth.

What a fuggin joke!
Crack down on vaccine cards while ignoring illegal immigrants with zero credentials. Infuriating. I don't care if you have a work visa or are working to become a citizen. The illegals should be cracked down on well before fake vaccine cards.


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Grove City
Today's news...

Not sure what to make of this and am not as smart as a smart phone...anyone?
This is ridiculous. All manner of electronics are Bluetooth enabled. Cars, Fitbits. Phones. Laptops. Smartwatches. Earbuds. Pretty much all wearable tech.

There isn't an RFID (much less full on Bluetooth device) in existence that could pass through the needles used for vaccination.
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Ross County
I don't know about you, but I am going to make this very clear regarding me.

I will never, ever except anything into my body that will make me more susceptible to any kind of manipulation by anything I personally cannot control myself. There is absolutely no way that I care to be any kind of walking antenna just waiting to receive a foreign influence/signal/message from any entity whatsoever and possibly be manipulated into doing something I wouldn't do otherwise.

Now, are these vaccines full of nanotechnology, yup, they sure fuggin are!

Despite what the CDC, NIH or whomever else say about these CV vaccines, they can shove that shit right up their you know what cause the further one researches these kind of technologies, especially when you get to all the different DARPA papers/information, and understanding afterwards, you would have to be freaking nuts, out of you mind in wanting to take anything from any official agency today that have a long standing history of drugging, and testing such new technologies on innocent populations. LSD is would be a good example, going back to the 60s & 70s era. Yeah, our government tested that drug on unknowingly participants, both on the general public and our military personnel. That is out there too if you care to look that up yourself.

Below is just minor information that I just spent roughly 20 minutes searching for online, however, I have studied and researched this topic for years. I would strongly suggests that if you aren't familiar with what nanotechnology has the capability to doing and how it is used today, along with advance microwave technology and the potential high health risks that go along with high exposure of such microwaves, for instance, as through wireless advanced networks of today, i'e - 5g technology, then you might want to take the time to study those kinds of things more closely, for the sake and safety of you, and your family.

And oh, BTW, you ever wonder why every time a new radio technology is introduced throughout history, another pandemic emerges shortly thereafter?

Go ahead, research that too if you want, I dare you! Or not, obviously, it's entirely up to you.

I know I've said it a few times before on this thread, but I'm basically done with this entire subject matter and I am fully aware of my decision when it comes to NOT being vaccinated with these CV injections that our government is strongly pushing onto the populations of the world.

Whenever there comes a time when I'm asked if I have been vaccinated, my answer will be; NO-HELL FUGGIN NO!!

I also wish to say, I honestly believe it is the freedom of choice in what one wishes to do with their body, regardless who you are, but please do NOT judge me in my decision in what I care to do with my own, thanks!

Many benefits of nanotechnology depend on the fact that it is possible to tailor the structures of materials at extremely small scales to achieve specific properties, thus greatly extending the materials science toolkit. Using nanotechnology, materials can effectively be made stronger, lighter, more durable, more reactive, more sieve-like, or better electrical conductors, among many other traits. Many everyday commercial products are currently on the market and in daily use that rely on nanoscale materials and processes:

Electric and magnetic fields are complex physical agents whose potential health effects are the subject of much research. Particularly controversial are the biophysical mechanisms by which these RF fields may affect biological systems. General health effects reviews explore possible carcinogenic, reproductive and neurological effects. Health effects by exposure source are noted in radar traffic devices, wireless communications with cellular phones, radio transmission, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

This upgrade will bring faster speeds, increased capacity, and greater security to many areas which have long suffered with signal issues. As the technology continues to evolved, even greater bandwidth will follow.


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Dignitary Member
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about shit my pants when the 12-character code popped up, i seriously don't know what the fuck that is.
But I can't replicate it.
That article is freaky
Maybe our resident IT experts should weigh in
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Well-Known Member
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Grove City
about shit my pants when the 12-character code popped up, i seriously don't know what the fuck that is.
But I can't replicate it.
That article is freaky
Maybe our resident IT experts should weigh in
Its a bluetooth enabled device somewhere within your phone's detection limit. It could be any number of things. Not sure where you were when you did the scan. If there are any other people around, it could be their phone or their tech. If you're not around other people, it could be an old fitbit, set of earbuds, or wireless speakers. It could be a Ring doorbell, or Nest thermostat...the list is endless.