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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Sorry to hear Ben. Out of curiosity when you get a chance what were the average ages and overall health of the people? And how many of them had been vaccinated? Data from real people holds alot more weight than the media.


Active Member
Salesville ohio
Both my dad and his wife are on the uphill climb after about six days of “feeling like i don’t want to move”. Heavy drinker, 56 Y/O but very athletic for my father. His wife, 54, not in the best athletic state, high BUT manageable BP and has had a kidney infection since early December. Dad says it’s just like a flu bug. Heavy dry cough, no loss of senses, headaches and tiredness. Both tested positive November 30th.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
I tested positive last weekend. Lost my taste and smell Wednesday and it has yet to come back. I felt pretty crappy for a few days I split some wood one day and checked some cams and felt like crap after that but I couldn't just lay around any longer. The cough was the worst part for me. I was gonna work a few days at the end of the week because I could have worked by myself but I didn't chance It with feeling bad or passing it to someone that I passed by during the day.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
and just when you think these fucknuts cannot get any more deranged, These people are out of touch with reality. unfettered psychosis.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, for one, has suggested cancer is as transmissible as COVID, while Matt Gaetz wants people to actively contract the virus.

Good call Jamie there everywhere - dang
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Finally got some time to get back on TOO and update our COVID story. My symptoms started Friday November 12th. The only person outside my bride that I came in contact with was my fully vaccinated barber. 20 minute haircut and conversation. Nobody in the chair before me either. Nobody else in the shop while I was there also. That was Tuesday the 9th. As I left the shop I thought he was looking a little rough, but he showed zero symptoms. I always use sanitizer after I go anywhere. The rest of the week, both before and after my haircut I was either alone in the woods hunting or scouting or I was alone in my yard on my tractor mulching up the big leaf fall that occurred later than usual this year in my neck of the woods. (right in the middle of my rut-cation!!)

Thus when my symptoms began Friday evening the 12th of Nov. I thought it was my semi annual sinus infection kicking in thanks to not wearing a mask while running over all them leaves till they disappear. You see I am allergic to Penicillium Mold, which is in the ground and the dust I was kicking up. By Monday I was blowing snot in technicolor and it was working down my throat, just like every other sinus infection I've ever gotten. My wife was still asymptomatic and felt great. So I call my doctor's office and speak to the nurse, who transfers me to the P/A as the doctor was busy. P/A does a telemed with me and says, "First thing we need to do is have you Rona tested because I'd hate to miss something. We will have the result tomorrow and then talk after that. I'm thinking this is a waste of time, but I go to the testing facility and and get a swab inserted to the back of my sinus... The next day i hear nothing, but before I went to bed, after doing all my summer to winter change over chores around the house and filling the wood box by the front door, which holds about a cord, I check my emails and find a fresh one in the spam folder announcing I've got the Rona! I tell my bride and we head for bed confident in our being in His Hands and knowing He has our back regardless of the walk and destination. You see, my wife is a 3 time breast cancer survivor and as she went daily to the cancer center for radiation, she took gifts and baked goods to the people she met their because they were sick and she wanted to encourage them!

So, Wednesday the 17th of Nov. I get up and realize taste and smell are gone... I speak to the P/A and tell her I want scheduled for the Monoclonal Antibodies and the wife stops me and says she now has symptoms. So I put her on the phone and she is directed by the P/A to be tested also, which we do. Thursday the 18th we find out she has it too. Friday the 19th the monoclonal folks call and say come in this afternoon as this is the last day they will give them to me. I ask them about my wife and at first they balk saying she has more time, but then agree she can come in too. Did I mention we also started on Ivermectin pills on Wednesday? So we go in on Friday afternoon and get 4 shots. One in each arm and one in each side of my stomach. By Monday the 22nd of Nov. we have turned the corner.

Today, 35 days after the first symptoms, I have an occasional cough and both smell and taste are returning. My wife said for her the whole thing was like a bad cold. Mine, because I was farther along before Ivermectin and Monocolonal Antibodies were started/received was a bit worse. Neither of us experienced breathing difficulties. We forced ourselves at the worse points to get up and get a little walking in. We monitored our temps. 99 to 100 for each of us as well as oxygen levels. hers were pretty much 97% mine would be in the mid 90's and i would do breathing exercises and it instantly went to 98%. My lungs felt clear but I did have a continuous loose cough which seemed to be in my wind pipe and bronchial tubes, but never limited my breathing. The worse thing for me was using the Neti Pot for the first time and watching the color show or when I drank water and my chest would want to spasm as I fought coughing.

I didn't resume hunting till we had cleared her isolation time which was about Dec. 1st. which was well in to our rifle season. My first day to hunt was Friday the 3rd of Dec. a full 3 weeks after first symptoms. I hunted the next week and passed on over 30 does and saw 5 bucks. 2 were legal but only a small one I could have shot. The one I would have shot never presented as a good target. So I still have a buck and doe tag, but with 70 acres of still standing corn am looking to fill both starting the 27th when late archery as well as flintlock opens. I have both weapons ready. I am thankful at 63 and a few inches under height on the height weight table to have been able, along with my bride to have gotten our Lord's antibodies without the pain and suffering many we know have gone through.

I write this to you all to say, 'Let not your heart be troubled!' I am a researcher by nature as well as a skeptic. Questioning Science is sound Science. here is what I've learned:

There are several agendas at play with this virus, which serve to mask the truth and make it extremely hard to make a decision as to how to respond to this threat. And make no mistake, it is a threat.
This virus is most likely man enhanced and for a couple of goals. One being big Pharma makes big bucks, but the eugenics lovers are in the mix as well.
Take the time to research America's front line doctors s well as Robert Kennedy Jr.
Politicians are using this to lock us down and hide a global debt bomb which will eventually change everything. The money changers will own everything.
There are certainly benefits to the vaccines, which are no vaccine at all but experimental gene therapies. They are leaky as the NFL situation certainly proves and they come with significant side effects relative to true vaccines. Simply look at the European Footballers who are collapsing left and right while playing. (The NFL has monitors on every player and in real time watch several things going on with each player, like o2 and heart rate etc and they pull those players to rest when those things hit certain levels.)
The survive-ability of this virus is over 99% in most all age groups. The problem we have is the politicians and the health insurance companies are dictating a protocol which is NOT helping the truly sick here in the States. And they are incentivizing those who follow their protocol and punishing those who don't.
There are many in the homeopathic side of this who are taking advantage of this and spreading miss information as well. the world is wicked.
Each person must do their own research and make a decision that is best for their situation. For us it was stay vigilant while not exposing ourselves to high risk situations while waiting for the experimental gene therapies to get some history. I have a history of not doing well after immunizations. When I got some 13 years ago my system freaked and it was like poison ivy itching all over my body. I would wake up with bloody fingers from itching in my sleep for example. And it ain't good to eat Benadril like it was candy. I was off and on Prednisone for 3 years before I finally got my system settled down. Again, based on my own research and no thanks to the treat the symptoms not the problem Medical Profession. Simply refer to the NFL's current situation to see why that is not a good idea...
Ivermectin does work if used early and is less effective, but still a help later in the virus infection. Ask the "Yoders in your area, they have herd immunity because they passed the Rona around and used horse paste to manage it. I have a guy I know who drives them around. He got it and they gave him the horse paste quickly. He was back to normal in under a week. And he has nearly every co morbidity known to man.
My wife has a cousin who got the Rona a year ago and wouldn't go in till he was life flighted to a major hospital over a hundred miles away and then on a vent. He is home but having his 3rd surgery to deal with side effects. I have 2 cousins who both went through the vents and re-hab. They both moved to slow to get treatment but are home now. Monitor your oxygen levels if you are sick. Get your hydroxycloriquine and Ivermectin before you need it so you have it when you need it. I also used colloidal silver in my sinuses and throat and would have nebulized it in my lungs before i would have gone to the hospital. I did not turn blue and after 3 days of regular use following clearing the sinuses with the Neti Pot and my mucus was back to clear. Your doctor put it in your eyes when you were born to kill any bacteria like syphilis so don't discount its effectiveness against bacteria, viruses and mold. There is no side effects except stinging and none of those 3 has ever developed immunity to silver like with modern treatments. That also is why your ancestors put a silver dollar in their milk prior to refrigerators. Ever hear of being born with a silver spoon in their mouth? Rich folks did much better then commoners in Europe during the plague thanks to ingesting silver from their silverware and gold has the same benefits for those with gold or silver fillings.
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There is no cure, but viruses mutate to be more contagious but less severe over time. This may change though due to the leaky properties of the current shots. I also don't want HEK in my system. Fetal tissue from an elected abortion kept alive for decades in labs just sits wrong with my beliefs. I would rather die then get them. My belief is I win either way.
I will not judge anyone who chooses to take the shots. I figure they are like me and trying to make the best decision they can for them and their situation. I expect the same from them. I will however forever wonder why they would wear a mask when they are alone and outside with nobody around or when they think I am a threat to them when I'm not the one walking around with mild to no symptoms but spreading the virus because they still think it is a vaccine and they have 90+% chance of never getting it even though their experts have changed the story a dozen times along with the meaning of vaccine to it reduces symptoms and mortality. I'm waiting for the next revision. Yet they don't question their experts! One being Fauci who hasn't treated patients in 50 years and a computer salesman who couldn't keep viruses out of his operating systems, or made extra money by the viruses!
Thanks for reading this far. Stay safe, be smart, and be vigilant! Hunt lots shoot lots but save some ammo for the rat infestation we rapidly see approaching!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina


Staff member
Pretty sure I caught the newest version and steamrolled it 36 hours. I'm not anti-vax, just anti-big pharma agenda, so I've not fallen into line with the rest of the comrades yet. Instead, I've tried to take my health seriously and prepare my immune system to fight it off. In addition to a good multivitamin and a probiotic, these are my daily supplements. I highly recommend each if you're not currently taking something similar.
