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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
I also caught wind that the high BP risk is starting to have a trend identified tied to ace inhibitors vs. beta blockers. Can anyone verify that ace inhibitors are the target and beta blockers are OK?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
How many of you guys come in from being out running around come in your house with your shoes on??? Those of you that have wives as nurses that have been walking around in a hospital all day, do they remove their shoes??? Your kids play on the floor, so maybe it's time for removal of shoes at the door....
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Well-Known Member
Nw oh
A 33yr old and 21yr old r down and out sick at home from work and I was told the 21 yr old was told to isolate at home, no test. Everyone on this job site was in direct contact with him the last few weeks as he was hacking all around.....makes u feel good. If ur still going to the store working or in contact with people we r all going to be exposed if that hasn't happened already. im kinda ready for the two week rest/fishing hiking/wood cutting/ sleeping in/shed hunt family time.....if we could hold off till mushrooms and gills on beds that'd be better....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
How many of you guys come in from being out running around come in your house with your shoes on??? Those of you that have wives as nurses that have been walking around in a hospital all day, do they remove their shoes??? Your kids play on the floor, so maybe it's time for removal of shoes at the door....
My wife is a nurse. New shoes arrived today for this exact purpose


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Maybe I missed it somewhere... But what is the actual treatment if you feel you have come in contact with someone that has it... What are you supposed to do? Hunker down till your on your death bed before going to the ER..


Senior Member
Supporting Member
My wife is a nurse. New shoes arrived today for this exact purpose
New shoes or slippers for changing into when entering the house??? My wife went for blood work earlier and she came in the house with shoes on... THE SHIT HIT THE FAN TO SAY THE LEAST...
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Senior Member
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Blantons. Treat it from the inside!! :)
Hmmmm... Woke up yesterday with a slight cough so treated it accordingly....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Anyone in the medical field was taught these precautions. Our spouses should know these things. Not a bad reminder though.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Was on MidwayUSA and checked out their ammo selections... Most was out of stock..

Not only are most common caliber ammunition out of stock, but those that you do find, Midway has put limits on the number/amount that you can purchase per household.

Besides, I saved hundreds of dollars in comparison anyways by going with 'Target Sports USA'.

'Target Sports USA' does not have that policy in place as of today.

Thought I'd pass that along for those that may be in the market for ammunition.

Carry on!
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Maybe I missed it somewhere... But what is the actual treatment if you feel you have come in contact with someone that has it... What are you supposed to do? Hunker down till your on your death bed before going to the ER..

Treatment is the only option at this point. Call your primary care physician and explain the symptoms. They will give instructions.. If it progresses to the point where breathing is an issue call the hospital. They will give instructions.. For home treatment, warm mist humidifier, cold/flu meds, no ibuprofen - instead go with acetaminophen which is the common ingredient in cold and flu meds. Self isolate in the house and ride it out like it's the flu