I know I'm not the only healthcare provider on here. I also know there are a few others like Jesse with healthcare providers in their family. I have some information that can help them out. As many of you have probably seen in the news, personal protective equipment (PPE) is in short supply for the amount of patient care that we are probably facing. That and the major manufacturing centers are located in areas already hard hit by the virus so replacing our supply isn't likely soon. Due to the type of transmission (droplet/airborne) masks specifically the N95 masks are one of the best ways to protect the healthcare provider. The supply is so short that many hospitals are having their employees use them multiple times rather than as a disposable item. Also, the CDC recently came out with the recommendation that under crisis situations a scarf or bandanna can be used (found
here). However there is another option. Lowes, Home Depot, Sherwin Williams, and automotive supply stores sell the 3m respirators that many people use when dealing with mold, asbestos, drywall dust, etc. They have filters with different ratings. The most common are N95, N100, P95, and P100 in the ones I've found. Those are the same types of filtration that we use in the traditional N95 masks. The 95 is the same as the masks we use where the 100 filters better. The P is for organic petroleum distallates but still works for viruses.
What I'm suggesting is buying or pulling from your workshop those masks and spare filters. Per the manufacturer they are actually good for up to 30 days. Then go to harbor freight or similar store and get a clear face shield. The clear shield will further protect your face and the filter from contamination and can easily be decontaminated with a bleach solution.
There are MANY other anesthesia providers who are being faced with no PPE in their institutions that are buying these already. This is how we're going to protect ourselves if/when we get to the point of no PPE but still patients to care for. I am providing this information so you can help protect yourselves and your family members.
I've bought 4 this week along with extra filters and mailed them to colleagues who couldn't find them locallly. So these are (currently) being overlooked by many of the hoarders.