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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Boys this Coronavirus thing is gonna get bad. China has closed businesses and highways to over 400 million people in large quarantine zones.

Friday they started going door to door taking temperatures and hauling people off to camps.

Doctors and journalists are going missing or dying after "emergency medical procedures"

They've banned funerals and implemented mandatory immediate cremation. A crematorioum employee in Wuhan leaked last week and said they're working 24x7 and even doubling up on bodies in ovens. By his guess they're cremating over 150 bodies a day just in his facility which is way above the official government reported fatality numbers of a couple dozen a day.

More and more modeling is suggesting that the true outbreak is 20x what china is officially reporting. There's been a glitch in the official Chinese CDC webpage and multiple times a day when it updates it shows a number substantially larger for a few seconds before it reverts to a lower more acceptable number. Researchers are saying that the incremental increases that china is showing appear to be mathematical and don't follow the computer modeling of suspected spread.

Hell, our government has implemented mandatory quarantines for the first time in 50+ years, and just today identified 10 new military bases for additional quarantine locations.

I wondered what the world health organization was doing so Friday I went to look. They're hosting a forum in Geneva on Wednesday with the world top scientists to talk about options and what can be done. Huh? Where are the WHO guys in bio suits in China? Why aren't they there getting accurate numbers instead of relying on Chinese government reporting? Oh wait, I just looked, they're sending two scientists to China tomorrow. Two. .

This is starting to small of a "This is bad but don't panic the sheep" type thing.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
That mask added to your BOB sounds like a great idea now.

I wonder if cremation will actual kill this or just make it airborn?

Is this a prion based illness like CWD?


Junior Member
I saw a video of a person just collapsing on the sidewalk, and people, wich looked like pgovt.people just carried him off. Apparently thats not a rare thing. Makes me wonder if its something our gov would do. Plant it in a city like wuhan, that has the outdoor mrkt. and a biological lab rite there. Its crashing there economy, and creating turmoil. Just wonder how all of the sudden it happens from an outdoor seafood market. The official explanation is from bat soup or from snakes? Theyve been eating that weird shit for ever. I dont buy that one.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
That mask added to your BOB sounds like a great idea now.

I wonder if cremation will actual kill this or just make it airborn?

Is this a prion based illness like CWD?

They're saying a mask isn't 100% effective. My take is it's better than 0% effective.

The virus itself doesn't live long in the air or on objects. A couple of hours max. They haven't nailed down all of the possible methods but it's pretty much like the methods that transmit the flu except Cov is twice as courageous. The disturbing thing is they're seeing about a 3% mortality rate if you're to believe the Chinese numbers. In comparison, the flu has a 0.05% mortality rate.

There not even sure if like the flu it will drop off at the end of winter or if it will persist. The biggest worry is that it persists, like H1N1 has, and just becomes another strain that we deal with every year. The problem with that is the mortality rate.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
They're saying a mask isn't 100% effective. My take is it's better than 0% effective.

The virus itself doesn't live long in the air or on objects. A couple of hours max. They haven't nailed down all of the possible methods but it's pretty much like the methods that transmit the flu except Cov is twice as courageous. The disturbing thing is they're seeing about a 3% mortality rate if you're to believe the Chinese numbers. In comparison, the flu has a 0.05% mortality rate.

There not even sure if like the flu it will drop off at the end of winter or if it will persist. The biggest worry is that it persists, like H1N1 has, and just becomes another strain that we deal with every year. The problem with that is the mortality rate.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Pangolins are possible hosts of coronavirus, a study led by South China Agricultural University has found.

Experts believe the outbreak originated at wild animal markets in Wuhan, China. After analyzing more than 1,000 samples, scientists found that the genome sequence of the virus in pangolins was 99% identical to that from infected people. That means pangolins are the most likely intermediate host of coronavirus, Liu Yahong, president of the university, said, according to state media.

Pangolins, which look like scaly anteaters, are considered a delicacy in China and other countries, and pangolin scales are used in traditional medicine.

Pangolins are protected by international law, but they are still one of Asia's most trafficked mammals. More than one million have been poached in the past decade, putting the species' survival at risk, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. In 2016, a ban was placed on the trade of pangolins, but sale of the animals appears to persist in parts of Asia and Africa.

The new information about pangolins as a potential intermediate host of the novel coronavirus will aid in the prevention and control of the virus, Liu said.

Health experts believed the new strain of coronavirus possibly originated with bats before jumping to the human population, perhaps through an intermediary like pangolins.

Infectious disease expert Dr. Ian Lipkin told CBS News on Wednesday that similar viruses will continue to pop up "every couple of years" as long as the so-called wet markets selling a multitude of animal species remain in business.

"I want the wild animal markets closed," Lipkin said.

But that step alone might not be sufficient. "While closing wildlife markets could have a major impact, bans alone will not stop the illegal wildlife trade if demand persists," The World Wildlife Fund said in a statement. "This health crisis must serve as a wake-up call for the need to end unsustainable use of endangered animals and their parts, as exotic pets, for food consumption and for their perceived medicinal value."

The death toll from coronavirus has risen to more than 630, with all but two of the deaths in mainland China. More than 31,000 people have been infected with the virus worldwide, the vast majority of them in China.


Active Member
The Hills
And theres only been 10k+ deaths from the flu so far this year in the US alone and that will hit a big % of households.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
And theres only been 10k+ deaths from the flu so far this year in the US alone and that will hit a big % of households.

Yep with an estimated 22 million cases making a fatality rate about 0.05 %. If we apply the same case rate with the 3% fatality rate for Corona that would be about 660 thousand deaths in the US. Add in that Cov is about twice as courageous and look out.
I'm gonna throw my 2 cents in, just cuz I'm bored and have some health care experience [emoji849]. Yes it's a dangerous virus but the flu still kills and has killed more people. We also have to remember part of the reason it's spreading so rapidly in China is the overcrowded and poor living conditions. It's just another hyped up disease in my humble opinion. Kinda like CWD... [emoji1787] But I guess we will see. Wash your hands. Don't share food or drinks and we'll all make it out of this together [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]


Senior Member
Supporting Member
So my wife said earlier: You wanna get Chinese take out for dinner today???? Yeh... Ok.... BLANK THAT NOISE.....


Junior Member
They're saying a mask isn't 100% effective. My take is it's better than 0% effective.

The virus itself doesn't live long in the air or on objects. A couple of hours max. They haven't nailed down all of the possible methods but it's pretty much like the methods that transmit the flu except Cov is twice as courageous. The disturbing thing is they're seeing about a 3% mortality rate if you're to believe the Chinese numbers. In comparison, the flu has a 0.05% mortality rate.

There not even sure if like the flu it will drop off at the end of winter or if it will persist. The biggest worry is that it persists, like H1N1 has, and just becomes another strain that we deal with every year. The problem with that is the mortality rate.
I read on my news on my phone, they said that this virus can live on surfaces for up too 9 days. Ill see if i can find it .


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Too close to home for me. I work with folks that travel to our China facilities on a regular basis. Most of our company was in LASV for the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show the week this all blew up. I can't imagine the number of ppl that flew into LAX.

Our China facilities are closed, we can't get in touch with a lot of our suppliers there. This is about the only time I'm glad slow boat is around 30days but airfreight is only 7. Just think about all the things coming into our ports.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I'm glad this hit when we decided to limit trade with them. I still think this leaked out of their only level 4 bioweapon facility. To think this could be a beta-version to Target a military grade with 15-20% casualty rate is one freaky thought.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Too close to home for me. I work with folks that travel to our China facilities on a regular basis. Most of our company was in LASV for the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show the week this all blew up. I can't imagine the number of ppl that flew into LAX.

Our China facilities are closed, we can't get in touch with a lot of our suppliers there. This is about the only time I'm glad slow boat is around 30days but airfreight is only 7. Just think about all the things coming into our ports.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I'm glad this hit when we decided to limit trade with them. I still think this leaked out of their only level 4 bioweapon facility. To think this could be a beta-version to Target a military grade with 15-20% casualty rate is one freaky thought.

The impact this can / is / will have on the supply chain is devastating. I haven't looked at Walmart stock but I bet its taken a hit.


Staff member
Maintaining diversity in your portfolio will be the economic lesson in all this. Too many businesses are too reliant on the Chinese market and they'll suffer tremendously as a result. Seems like the worst is yet to come and we can only hope we avoid the catastrophic effects that appear to be possible.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
It takes about 3-4 weeks for a container ship to cross the pacific. I believe the incubation period is less than that so risks of transmission that way is minimal. The real concern is air travel and air freight.
Humans are one of the few speices on the planet that is increasing above carrying capacity. Like any species competition, disease and starvation will kill some off.

COV is a flu like virus so it can mutate and change. It man have only effected pangolins, bats or snakes at one point. A minor mutation in a virus changes a lot of possible modes transmission, and speices it can infect.

On an unrelated front shit is going to get worse. There will be a shooting war with in twenty to fifty years. Half of our population doesnt work. We no longer have any major manufacturing jobs. They say that automation will replace clerical work, reception and cashiers with in the next 15 years. That is 20 precent of the US work force.
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