Let the dogs out this morning At daybreak. Heard 2 on the roost going back and forth. Stupit birds 

Not that I know anything...Hell, I can't even tell the difference between a t and a y...or spell varying hare! Public school grad that I am...Folks here in Pa. question the PGC just like you question the ODR. And they have no idea why the turkey and variang hare are wat down...
Decision-making across a broad scope can have a cumulative effect to develop how you assess whether a person or agency has your best interests in mind.... or not. The following is not directly related to the Monday opener issue, but this Pine Marten reintroduction, in an already predator-laden poor habitat landscape puts PGC decision-making again in question. The following video shows a Pine Marten and a Snowshoe Hare. You decide whether this Marten only eats berries, moles, and voles as the PGC keeps reiterating. My guess is there are a lot of juvenile game mammals and birds (and eggs) that can be caught far easier than an adult snowshoe in flight.
Please click here and view this video!
The next public comment meeting at the PGC headquarters is Saturday, April 15th. The importance of our turnout for supporting the Monday opener, like at the previous January 28th meeting, cannot be underestimated. As anticipated, our majority presence and testimony at that meeting have gotten a lot of exposure. I know it's an effort being the fishing season, but we must continue revealing our passion for this issue all the way to the end. As you know since that January meeting we have seen senator Lisa Boscola's proposed legislation for the Monday opener alongside Representative Brian Smith's bill.
We will send out another constant contact next week with the address and details as we did for the January meeting. Start planning, I hope to see all of you again AND MORE at the April 15th meeting, we cannot let this slip now. Think of those great past Monday openers compared to today, that should fire you up! Let's help our small-town communities as well.
Thank You for all your efforts!
I aughta go , since I pay taxes to work up hereFolks here in Pa. question the PGC just like you question the ODR. And they have no idea why the turkey and variang hare are wat down...
Decision-making across a broad scope can have a cumulative effect to develop how you assess whether a person or agency has your best interests in mind.... or not. The following is not directly related to the Monday opener issue, but this Pine Marten reintroduction, in an already predator-laden poor habitat landscape puts PGC decision-making again in question. The following video shows a Pine Marten and a Snowshoe Hare. You decide whether this Marten only eats berries, moles, and voles as the PGC keeps reiterating. My guess is there are a lot of juvenile game mammals and birds (and eggs) that can be caught far easier than an adult snowshoe in flight.
Please click here and view this video!
The next public comment meeting at the PGC headquarters is Saturday, April 15th. The importance of our turnout for supporting the Monday opener, like at the previous January 28th meeting, cannot be underestimated. As anticipated, our majority presence and testimony at that meeting have gotten a lot of exposure. I know it's an effort being the fishing season, but we must continue revealing our passion for this issue all the way to the end. As you know since that January meeting we have seen senator Lisa Boscola's proposed legislation for the Monday opener alongside Representative Brian Smith's bill.
We will send out another constant contact next week with the address and details as we did for the January meeting. Start planning, I hope to see all of you again AND MORE at the April 15th meeting, we cannot let this slip now. Think of those great past Monday openers compared to today, that should fire you up! Let's help our small-town communities as well.
Thank You for all your efforts!