Im like a beaten trailer trash woman. I'll always take you back, hahaNow I’m hate me but then put me in the same catagory as your wife...and porn. Make up my mind, would ya! Like a damn woman. “ I hate you and everything about you! (5 seconds later) How much do you love me?” Get away from me you damn weirdo.
Refer to the post above yours...What's the real reason you can't make it Ryan? Gotta get the wife's permission? Scared of her?
I am the cook here, fyi. No shame there. I should be on first shift by then, so I should be able to go. Im not one to say reserve me a spot then he a no show. I'll probably pull my boat with the jeep and lay the back seets down and put thd air mattress in thereGood enough.
Ryan, get your ass back inside and cook dinner.
I don't have Steve's new number. @Hoytmania
I don't have Steve's new number. @Hoytmania
No no no no noI could start that one texting thread back up so you could have my number. Lol