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3 amigos and then some


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Afternoon hunt was very relaxing besides being too old and fat to comfortably sit on the ground😂. Seen one unknown deer. 100% was a good sized deer, just never seen the head to know what it was. 40ish yards away.

piss poor hunter sunset pic


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I am gonna give it a try tomorrow. With the warmer weather I can bet on one thing. There will be plenty of hikers.
Yup. Pretty sure I'm just going to roll the dice to get this other cam where I want it. Deer are going to watch me walk in. I'll also be safe if I shoot the first one in line before they get under my wind. But let's not get ahead of myself, I managed to royally screw up this mornings hunt. Lol


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I fell apart.

I really argued with myself about getting into this spot. Always a slammer of a deer holding up in that spot. One of the few places on this property that doesn't get human traffic. With a great view of the traffic and everything around. You can't get into this spot clean. But I dedicated that I was just going to do it. They are doing maintenance on a piece down the road a little ways and some standing corn not far, I figured I was going to see whatever I bump out again.

Still being a little bit of a chickenshit about blowing out the big one I was waiting for shooting light. Two Subaru's pulled in and 3 lady's got out loudly talking about some new winery or something. I just tried to be unnoticed sitting in my truck. Right at first light they left. Wtf, but whatever, be gone. I hurried out of the truck, cocked the crossbow, grabbed my pack and went after it. Almost there when I turned a corner on the main hiding trail right at the spot I bail off it, was him. The one, THEE DEER of a lifetime. All I seen was his back. I dropped, put a blot in it and drew up as he raised his head. That's when a feeling I haven't had since I was a child happened. I was on him in the scope and couldn't focus. Shit went blurry first, then my arms got sore and shaky, then I don't know what happened to my legs. But them weak ass thing went to buffer mode or something. Bolt started clanking off the rail and he looked at me. Not real sure how long all this took, but it felt like I lost a day or twos worth of memory. He bounced, then blew and I was so shaken that I tried to listen what direction he was going and I couldn't hear. The creek buck I found is 180" and this deer is bigger. He fucked me up. Took me a while to settle down. I text a few people but don't really remember what I said. An hour later I was calming down, sometime after that the headache started.

So I continued to push to the spot I wanted to place the cam. Got it set only to have it not working. But I was already settled into my seat and wasn't screwing with it. Around 10:20 a nice 10 walked up and right past the cam. Probably 125-130" 3 year old. A deer I would shoot any given year and be happy. It just looked so small in comparison I couldn't do it. Another text goes out...then a nice 8 comes by. Solid 8, dandy of a deer. Another 3 year old with a real light tan hide and right around the same inches. Now I'm kicking myself for not shooting either deer. 26 yards and they both quartered away perfectly.

I sat thinking about calling and rattling. Telling myself that if they cam back and to calls, that would be cool. Then maybe I'd shoot one. I never did. Sat until then wind changed and left. Got the cam working and then went to the other side of the property and got that cam running. Back at the house now wondering wtf happened to me. All in all, I had fun and this is why we do this. You can't pay for that kind of rush. Just seeing him at 15 yards was enough for me. I don't care if I kill him or not, but I gotta try again. If nothing else I'm gonna chase that thrill like a crackhead locking for that first high.


Active Member
Salesville ohio
I fell apart.

I really argued with myself about getting into this spot. Always a slammer of a deer holding up in that spot. One of the few places on this property that doesn't get human traffic. With a great view of the traffic and everything around. You can't get into this spot clean. But I dedicated that I was just going to do it. They are doing maintenance on a piece down the road a little ways and some standing corn not far, I figured I was going to see whatever I bump out again.

Still being a little bit of a chickenshit about blowing out the big one I was waiting for shooting light. Two Subaru's pulled in and 3 lady's got out loudly talking about some new winery or something. I just tried to be unnoticed sitting in my truck. Right at first light they left. Wtf, but whatever, be gone. I hurried out of the truck, cocked the crossbow, grabbed my pack and went after it. Almost there when I turned a corner on the main hiding trail right at the spot I bail off it, was him. The one, THEE DEER of a lifetime. All I seen was his back. I dropped, put a blot in it and drew up as he raised his head. That's when a feeling I haven't had since I was a child happened. I was on him in the scope and couldn't focus. Shit went blurry first, then my arms got sore and shaky, then I don't know what happened to my legs. But them weak ass thing went to buffer mode or something. Bolt started clanking off the rail and he looked at me. Not real sure how long all this took, but it felt like I lost a day or twos worth of memory. He bounced, then blew and I was so shaken that I tried to listen what direction he was going and I couldn't hear. The creek buck I found is 180" and this deer is bigger. He fucked me up. Took me a while to settle down. I text a few people but don't really remember what I said. An hour later I was calming down, sometime after that the headache started.

So I continued to push to the spot I wanted to place the cam. Got it set only to have it not working. But I was already settled into my seat and wasn't screwing with it. Around 10:20 a nice 10 walked up and right past the cam. Probably 125-130" 3 year old. A deer I would shoot any given year and be happy. It just looked so small in comparison I couldn't do it. Another text goes out...then a nice 8 comes by. Solid 8, dandy of a deer. Another 3 year old with a real light tan hide and right around the same inches. Now I'm kicking myself for not shooting either deer. 26 yards and they both quartered away perfectly.

I sat thinking about calling and rattling. Telling myself that if they cam back and to calls, that would be cool. Then maybe I'd shoot one. I never did. Sat until then wind changed and left. Got the cam working and then went to the other side of the property and got that cam running. Back at the house now wondering wtf happened to me. All in all, I had fun and this is why we do this. You can't pay for that kind of rush. Just seeing him at 15 yards was enough for me. I don't care if I kill him or not, but I gotta try again. If nothing else I'm gonna chase that thrill like a crackhead locking for that first high. View attachment 187200
Buck fever is real my friend and you definitely have it! Lol
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Being in group text with multiple deer recovery guys played a part in me not shooting. With the technology nowadays it seems we take shots we shouldn't because "the dog or drone will find it". That rarely is the case. I don't know the numbers but I'd say it's close to 80% of deer they go after are not recovered. Mostly because they are still alive. I couldn't be part of that number. So you guys preaching about making good shots, keep preaching, it's working. I heard you when I was in the moment. @LonewolfNopack posted message really spoke to me when I had zero composure. I couldn't let him down by injuring a deer I'm sure he would love to chase. This deer is a special kind of huge.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Shoot what makes you happy. If your heart is set on the big boy and you're willing to eat tag soup (because hunting a single deer is heart breaking at times), then keep passing them.
I had my chance at him. Odds aren't very good at having a second chance at him. We will see what happens in the moment from here on out. Been struggling lung wise the last 2 days, which is pretty humbling to just be thankful for what I can do.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I have been terrible about updating this thread. Home from strouds on Sunday, @triple_duece arrived Tuesday or Wednesday after that. I don't remember exactly what day or what all happened. Lol. They hunted hard and just weren't ever in "the right spot" so to speak. It was a great visit. Listening to him and DJ rib eachother was very comical to me. I think it was Wednesday when they pulled out. Thursday I drove my personal truck to work to meet with @Redhunter1012 afterwards. @Dustinb80 and @OhioWhiteTails both showed up around lunch time Friday.

Friday morning was a great hunt. Deer all around me since the moment I got settled in the stand.

The evening hunt a buddy Cole got me into a real honey hole of a spot. I may of had to do some unmentionable things to an elder lady to get this opportunity...got her jump started and moving👍🏾. Walking in I seen Cole stop up the road and talk to a truck. Got settled in and a guy was walking by. Lol

He waived and kept walking towards where I expected the deer to come from. A short time after that I heard a weird sound. Crackle/pop kind of sound. It was pretty dang windy so I kinda played it off. Knowing I have been shooting a Killer Instict on borrowed time, I took a look at the limbs. MFer


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member

So I climbed down and called for him to pick me up. I got I'm the back seat and directed him to the closest carry out. We drove the rest of the evening. This is the same evening I was enlightening the the sun sets in the south in this area...😂

The next morning Cole had me set up on a corn pile by a golf course. I could hear deer and seen a BB, but no shots offered. Setup was not good for the NW wind. Something we both learned.

Evening hunt was back in the stand I was in the morning before. I believe we all thought it was going to be a slam dunk of a set. Only seen one doe skirt me at about 65 yards.

Home, all settled back and currently trying to talk @Quantum673 into an evening hunt. Wind is perfect for a spot we know has been good almost every evening lately.