It amazes me at the amount of people that believe God answers prayers, but the devil doesn't. People will ask God to heal or comfort the sick, but don't believe the devil can be ask to torment the healthy. If anything the devil acts more on this earth than God. One is about free will, the other temptation and trickery. Or how God watches over his flock and takes care of them but the devil forsakes his.
Don't be fuckin with shit you don't understand. The forces of evil are far greater than most give credit for and the devil takes takes care of his own. The Bible is full of verses about Satan, demons, possessions, and the power of Lucifer. In some verses he is even referred to as the ruler of the world. God rules the heavens Lucifer rules the earth. The Bible even speaks of the powers of sorcerers. When God told Moses to go speak to Pharaoh he instructed Moses to cast down his staff and it would turn into a serpent. Pharaoh summoned to his sorcerers who likewise cast down their staffs that turned to serpents. Moses serpent ate the sorcerers serpent. This tells us that while the powers of Lucifer on earth are equal to that of Gods the righteous will prevail. However this does not cast aside the fact that there are those on this earth who wield the power of satan.