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A reminder-BE CAREFUL!


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Archery hunter in Mercer County dies in tree accident

north beaver township, pa.

Pennsylvania State Police in Lawrence County found William E. Henry, 67, of McClain Road, Enon Valley, Pa., dead on Sunday. Police were alerted by his family who said Henry went archery hunting at 3:30 p.m. Saturday but never returned home. Police found the victim’s truck and searched his usual hunting area.

Police found Henry in a tree, where his climbing-type tree stand apparently slipped and caused him to become suspended by the safety rope attached to his backpack. The victim was wedged between the tree and tree stand, and the safety straps around his body cut off circulation. Police said cause of death was asphyxiation.



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Great reminder for all hunters to be safe out there.

Personally I don't think I could let a 67yr old person go hunting knowing he/she is climbing a tree let alone use a climbing style tree stand. Just too many IF's and I would worry way to much about his/her safety.

Thoughts and prayers to his family.


*Supporting Member*
It happens every year and every year I hate reading about it. That is such a terrible thing to happen, especially when it can be avoided. I just spent around a $100 on new stand straps, straps for my climbing sticks, and new straps for our safety harnesses. Could I have used the old ones, probably. Could I have ended up having an accident, guess you never know. I'm sure William Henry didn't think he would.

Make sure you go over your gear and use it properly guys. Our thoughts are with his family.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Man that sucks. I hate to see someone lose their life like that.. But there is so much wrong with this last paragraph...

"Police found Henry in a tree, where his climbing-type tree stand apparently slipped and caused him to become suspended by the safety rope attached to his backpack. The victim was wedged between the tree and tree stand, and the safety straps around his body cut off circulation. Police said cause of death was asphyxiation."

Who knows if the media just doesn't understand the terminology and it's lost in translation. Or if the gentleman actually had a length of rope tied to his backpack and or around him.

Hard lesson learned for the rest of us.. An improperly worn harness will kill you just as dead as the fall it saved you from.