Went back to the range yesterday afternoon determined to figure out a way to cock this crossbow. Armed with the original crank, a 1/4" drive ratchet and socket and of all things an electric screwdriver. The electric screwdriver didn't have quite enough power to do the job. The 1/4" ratchet will definitely work, but takes a long time. I finally tried the crank and after a few tries I had it figured out. I turned the crossbow backwards and put my foot in the stirrup and then wrapped my first finger on the outside of the crank. The finger helped to keep the bow from going forward and wobbling at the bottom of each crank. A little tougher than the Hortons were, but doable.
I shot my first shot ever at forty yards. This is way out of my comfort zone for hunting, it looks like a mile compared to 15-20 yards. My left/right was perfect, but I hit about 2" low. This was using the third crosshair, knowing I was on target at 20 and 30 with the first and second crosshairs. I'm leaning on sighting in at 30 yards with the main crosshair and aiming a little low at closer ranges once I figure out my POI at shorter ranges. To much thinking about what line I need to use at each distance IMO.