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Abandoned well


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Be careful, especially around abandoned homesteads.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
@Buckmaster. Ben, Ron was telling me there's an abandoned well beside the 4 wheeler trail down by the creek - do you know where it is? Your dad didn't seem to know when we asked him.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
There were 5 of them on our the lease in vinton. We would throw piles of logs and sticks in and ontop them to prevent things like this. It was just kind of an unspoken rule that if you're close you go check it out and add more logs and sticks if need be.

What's strange is that ones modern concrete culvert lined like a cistern. Ours were all hand dug and rock lined.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Found a abandoned septic tank in the middle of an overgrown field where we used to rabbit hunt. I walked within a few feet before I noticed it. Called the police and told them about it...they actually didn’t care! It’s a tragedy waiting to happen....only a couple hundred yards from a Developement to boot.


Active Member
The Hills
I seen this, that guy sure is lucky he had service or it would have been a missing person's report. Also see one asshat commenting that the hole was too small to fall down in and he could tell by the boot beside it, riiiiight I'm sure they're just making this stuff up.... idiots everywhere.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I knew where there were several around my grandparents farm in Vinton county. The ones I didn’t know about were the scary ones. There are two across the road from my house. I just found one around thanksgiving while riding the quad as I looked for a buck my neighbor shot. We’ve rabbit hunted all around that thing for years and I never knew it was there.

That guy is lucky to be alive.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I never gave it much thought till now. My local one has a cement cap and is raised.
Thanks for the post Sam.