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All Day Sit Reward!

Big H

Senior Member
Opening day of gun, I had decided that I was going to park my butt all day in an area we call "The Crossroads" on our place in Jefferson County. I had killed a decent 10 point in that same area with a bow in 2008 I think. We call it the crossroads, because 5 old logging trails come together in one spot and we have kept them open for 4 wheelers etc... I used to have a food plot on the flat there, but have not had the time recently to keep it up.

Anyhow, I have had a River's Edge stand hung in the middle of three popular trees there for a couple of years and decided to just hang the Millenium on one of the other trees and use the tree stick that was already in place.

It was a beautiful morning and I heard more gunshots than I can remember hearing on opening day in a long time. I stopped counting at 50 and that was before 8:00 am. Not much was happening until right before 8:00 when I had a very small button buck walk past me at 50 yards and when I looked up the ridge where he had come from, I saw a small buck and right behind him a buck with a high white rack. They disappeared over the ridge and I figured that they had bedded down in the tree tops just over the top.

At 8:50, I was standing up stretching my legs and heard a twig snap behind me down where the logging roads all come together and saw a pretty nice buck walking right at me. He was a 110" or so 8 point and once I decided I wasn't going to shoot him, I was trying to get my little video camera out of my pocket. He stopped at 16 yards, looked up at me and turned around and trotted back from where he had come from. It would have been an easy shot, but he wasn't what I was looking for.

After that encounter, all I heard or saw was squirrels until about 3:30 when I took a little nap. I dozed until 3:50, and decided I better pay attention. At 4:30, I looked down towards the "Crossroads" and saw a doe and a yearling working their way through the thick brush towards me.......

Big H

Senior Member
A few minutes later I saw another doe and a yearling coming along the same route as the first two. The first doe saw something out of place and tried for 15 minutes to get me to move, she did the foot stamp, the head bob and everything else she could think of to identify the blob in the tree. She finally calmed down and walked back towards the other three who were looking for some corn I had scattered from a coffee can when I walked in about 50 yards away. At about 4:45 I noticed some more movement from the same area the does had come from and saw a small buck coming across the small opening. I pulled up my binoculars and then saw a high white racked buck right behind the small buck. I knew I only had a few minutes of shooting time and he needed to move a few yards into an opening in the brush, which he did and I went into auto pilot with the Encore. When the smoke cleared and I could see again, there was a white belly laying in the the little clearing and all the rest of the deer had scattered. The 295 grain hollow point Power Belt pushed by 150 grains of Triple 7 had once again done the job! I knew he was a decent buck, and not a monster, but with everything going on at home with Donna's health, he was the right buck at the right time. Now I can spend some more time with my girls hunting and not be feeling guilty when I leave the house for a long weekend.

My dad called on the radio and asked if I had just shot and then he and my buddy came down on their four wheelers to see what I had shot. By the time I got everything out of the tree, it was dark, so I didn't get any really good pics and the next morning we propped him up for a few hero shots down by the cabin. He isn't my biggest buck, but I am proud of him after almost 11 hours in the tree.

This was my second all day sit with the Millenium, and I can honestly say, that it is the most comfortable stand that I have personally sat in, so thanks JB and Jesse for your input.
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Big H

Senior Member
Sorry I had to go to a band concert for one of my girls. Here are a couple pics, he is a main frame 10 with a kicker off his G-2. I am pretty sure he is a 3.5 year old. The little hole you can see high in the shoulder with me holding him is the entry hole. He dropped on the spot.


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