Well tonight the wind was right
So I tryed a stand between a thick bedding area and a standing corn feild
The stand is just off a intersection of 2 bushhoged acess paths we use for hauling out wood
So about a 1 1/2 hrs before dark the does start coming out and walking down the lanes , going to feed in the corn feild
6 total does and yearlings
Then a decent basket rack 8 point about a hour before dark
It tempted me , by stoping right out in front of me and feeding for a few seconds
But I was hopeing for the 10 point to show
With 30 min or so of shooting light
I see the a big 8 point working through the brush in my direction
But when it comes to the lane
It turns and heads to my right , not to the left as the other deer did
I have no shot in that direction due to some branchs , till it is 30 yds down the lane
As the lane circles around some big oaks
But before it gets to the where I have a shot
It turns back tward me , weaving it's way through some side trails
Because of some thick brush
I can here it , but can't see it
I have to guess witch shooting lane to watch
Well I guessed wrong and was turned slightly wrong
So rather than rushing a shot as it passed through a less than 2' wide shooting lane
I just watched it walk past
It had no clue I was there
So it will be back
I just have to be in the stand
But I will keep looking for the 10 point
Dad was cutting corn next door tonight and said seveal deer including a big one came out of the CPR and feed in the cut corn at last light tonight
So I might try one of the stands overlooking the edge of the CPR feild Sunday evening
Who knows
The deer might move again tonigh:smiley_chinrub:
So I tryed a stand between a thick bedding area and a standing corn feild
The stand is just off a intersection of 2 bushhoged acess paths we use for hauling out wood
So about a 1 1/2 hrs before dark the does start coming out and walking down the lanes , going to feed in the corn feild
6 total does and yearlings
Then a decent basket rack 8 point about a hour before dark
It tempted me , by stoping right out in front of me and feeding for a few seconds
But I was hopeing for the 10 point to show
With 30 min or so of shooting light
I see the a big 8 point working through the brush in my direction
But when it comes to the lane
It turns and heads to my right , not to the left as the other deer did
I have no shot in that direction due to some branchs , till it is 30 yds down the lane
As the lane circles around some big oaks
But before it gets to the where I have a shot
It turns back tward me , weaving it's way through some side trails
Because of some thick brush
I can here it , but can't see it
I have to guess witch shooting lane to watch
Well I guessed wrong and was turned slightly wrong
So rather than rushing a shot as it passed through a less than 2' wide shooting lane
I just watched it walk past
It had no clue I was there
So it will be back
I just have to be in the stand
But I will keep looking for the 10 point
Dad was cutting corn next door tonight and said seveal deer including a big one came out of the CPR and feed in the cut corn at last light tonight
So I might try one of the stands overlooking the edge of the CPR feild Sunday evening
Who knows
The deer might move again tonigh:smiley_chinrub: